Finding the Bright Side 5

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Chapter 5

My room was amazing , definitely better compared to my old room. I had a decent sized closet with a desk and a queen size bed on a white coloured bed frame. The comforter and duvet we bought earlier were on as well with the pillows . There was a 38' inch TV in my room. It was the same brand in Aidens room but his was bigger.

I loved this room , it had a nice seating area on the window over lookin the beach, it was incredible.

As I looked around the room I felt loved and cared for. I haven't had this feeling in a while and I defintely miss it. Aiden stood by my desk awknoledging me while I stroll around the room. Now that I think about it , it wasn't that small of a room. I mean, it fits a queen size bed, a small windowsill sitting area, a desk a TV and a vanity.

I looked Aiden in the eyes and I can feel my eyes tearing up . I rushed to give him a hug. I felt his hard yet comfortable chest as he wrapped his arms around me. I'm so thankful to have a big brother like him, it doesn't matter if we were the same blood he treated me like I was.

"I've missed you Katie. You have no idea how mad I was at my self when I left you there alone. I can't believe I never came back. " he paused " but now, you will never be alone"

"It's okay , I understand. But thank you." I cried as felt my tears fall onto his chest.

"For what? Doing what a big brother is suppose to do?" he questioned pulling away from the embrace and holding onto my face. "It's my job"

I gave him a smile and leaned in for another hug. "Please don't ever give me back to them. I'll do anything to stay here, where I know no one will hurt me. " I paused "I'll even continue my job so I can help out with the bill-" he cuts me off.

"No, you dont need to do that Katie, of course you can stay here, I'll keep you safe" he said hugging me tighter. "Besides if you go back there they'll take you away and hurt you, I'm not letting them take you away and hurt you again! I already lost one sister I can't handle losing another one"

There it was more tears came out but I was glad it did so atleast I'll be all out of it.

He pulled away from the hug when someone was knocking on the door downstairs.

"Well someone's here. " he said making his way to the door "By the way, there's the bath room" he pointed to a door near the door to my room and went downstairs leaving me behind in my new room.

I didn't really find anything interesting in the bathroom since it looked like a normal bathroom so I just followed down to Aiden and at least look for food.

As I was walking down the stairs I could hear Aiden talking to a girl. I reached the bottom step and found Alli talking to Aiden about her trip.

They both looked up at me "Katie! I'm so glad you're finally here" Alli said while standing up from the couch to give me a hug.

"Me too!" I replied to her hug .

I both gave them a smile and made my way to the kitchen. They resumed to their conversation.

Since they haven't gone grocery shopping I grabbed a bowl , poured milk and cereal to it. I sat on the counter and ate it. Strange enough they didn't have a dinner table but had an outdoors one out in the patio. I guess they don't eat together and when they do it was outside.

I ate my dinner and went back up to my room. I washed off the make up so I wouldn't smear my makeup all over my new sheets.

The washroom had products in the drawer and under the sink. But it was for guys so I guess axe and shaving creams are around the house. There were two sinks and I use the one next to my door. On the other side there was another door. I didn't know what the door lead to, I thought it was for towels and soap but nope.

It was a door to Ryder's room. I opened the door a bit and I can't believe what I was seeing. It was Ryder's back and a blonde girl underneath. He thrusted and moaned. I could here the girl say "oh baby harder". They both moaned.

Ryder moans and continues while kissing her neck. I couldn't take it, it was disturbing. I closed the door lightly and went back to my room and just fell on my bed. I put my phone on the ipod dock Aiden provided me on the desk and turned it up so I wouldn't hear their moans.

It was already two AM and the whole time all I've done was think over of everything that had happen.

The moaning and yelling stopped. But someone was bagning on my door.

"Hey ! would you turn that down? I'm trying to sleep" it was Ryder banging on my door .

I opened the door and he seemed shocked. He poked his head in the room and looked around.

"What the ?" he paused and looked at me. "What are you still doing here? " he asked semi confused.  


Well! There it is you guys! A little sibling scene , a mature scene and a cliff hanger! Well I'm hoping I get more reads ! I would appreciate it if you guys voted and commented!


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