Chapter 8

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Nico smiled at Will but before he could reply Ivy called. They both looked at her and hurried into the car. Will thanked Ragnar for the ride and Nico just half smiled at him thankfully but he noticed that Ragnar was always eyeing him.

"can you really rise the dead?" he asked suddenly. Nico was surprised and looked at Ivy, she had probably told him but she didnt seem to be paying attention.

"yes" Nico said and before he could say anything else Will interrupted.

"but he's not allowed to do that now, doctors orders" he said. Nico squinted his eyes at Will.

"but of course I will raise the dead or shadow travell us if I have to" Nico said and looked at Ragnar, he figured it would be good if Ragnar would be a little scared, just in case he's planning on killing then or something.

"no, we'll find other ways" Will insisted. Nico groaned.

"sometimes there is no other way and sometimes we don't have time to find another way, besides I feel much better and I'm not even worried about disappearing into the shadows" he said. He really did feel better and he knew that if he used his 'underworld magic', like Will called it, a lot he would lose himself and turn into a shadow but if it was necessary he would do it.

"there's always another way, always" Will said "and we're not going to let you become a shadow, just so we can defeat a monster the easy way" Nico rolled his eyes.

"I can take care of myself, Solace!" Nico said. Ragnar seemed pretty uncomfortable in the front seat and Ivy didn't even notice them or if she did she didn't seem to want to be in the middle of it, though having known Ivy for a whole day he suspected she would've already told them to shut up if she were listening.

Will was looking at him, Nico just shook his head and looked out the window when he looked back at Will he was smiling.

"what?" Nico asked and raised his eyebrows at Will.

"our first fight" Will said happily "i think we should take a picture" Nico laughed.

"you are so weird" Nico said with a laugh. 

"you love it" Will said. Nico grinned and in the front seat Ivy turned around, it was obvious she had been asleep. She had circles under eyes and they were half closed. 

"stop flirting, there are kids present" she said and pointed at Ragnar. He looked at her quickly before looking at the road again.

"you're like 14" he said. Ivy shrugged.

"i could kick your ass" she said and grin. Will and Nico looked at each other and burst out laughing. 

"she really could, man" Will said. Nico nodded and looked at Ivy, who was smiling at Ragnar.

"don't be so sure" he said. Nico almost waited for him to change into a monster, though it was obvious he was completely human. It just sounded like a sentence some monster would say before they changed into a fire breathing tree. Nothing happened, Ivy and Will were looking at him, they probably thought the same thing.

Ragnar looked at Nico and Will in the mirror and then at Ivy. "what?" he asked.

"nothing" Ivy said and squinted her eyes. "do you know anything about Greek mythology?"

"no, nothing. I know something about norse mythology, my uncle believes in them. Everyone used to believe in them here, you know, but then some christians from Ireland came and now everyone believes in jesus" Ragnar said. He liked to talk. No would've been a great answer but now they knew icelandic history, not that nico had anything against it. The small country was not what he expected, there was no snow or ice, just green hills and mountains and trees.

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