Chapter 7

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~Ivy's pov~

Ivy walked with Ragnar to his get his car, that was parked in front of his house.

"what are your names?" Ragnar asked "you're not going to kill me or anything are you?"

Ivy shook her head "our swords can't harm mortals, they just pass through you. Im Ivy Sapintia, the blondie is Will Solace and the Italian is Nico Di Angelo"

Ivy looked around, she had never been to the capital, she used to live on a farm just outside the city. The horses were small but not too small, they were the perfect size.

"so which one do you like?" Ragnar suddenly asked. Ivy was ripped out of her thoughts by his voice.

"what?" she asked and looked at him.

"I mean do you like Nico or Will. That are their names right?" he asked. Ivy was surprised by the question but she laughed it off.

"neither. Nico's gay and Will has a crush on him" Ivy said with a shrug "They're just my friends. I think they're my friends, I'm not sure if Nico likes me but Will says he's always that quiet" she looked back to try to spot them but she just saw Will's blonde hair.

"oh" Ragnar said and nodded. "so they're dating?"

Ivy shook her head "no but its so obvious they like each other, Im pretty sure they both know it" she remembered how Percy and Jason had acted around them and realised they knew it too. The seven seemed like fun kids but they seemed to be this group of heroes and Ivy felt like she had to be a hero to be a part of it. She hadn't fought in the war against Gaea nor the battle against Kronos, she had just fought a couple of monsters.

"why are you going to drive us out of the city anyways? I mean you could've given us money for a buss or something" Ivy said and looked at him. He shrugged.

"I was on my way out of the city anyways, to this weird.. Fish day" he said and laughed "yes we have a fish day, it's actually really fun. It's in this small town and people come from everywhere to celebrate and one night we walk around and taste all kinds of fish soup. It sounds ridiculous"

Ivy laughed. They stopped in front of a small red car, Ivy didn't know anything about cars and she really didn't care but it looked old and she guessed it had been in at least three car crashes.

"yea.. That's it" he said and opened the car. She got in in the front seat beside him then they drove to get Will and Nico. 

"so you guys fight monsters?" Ragnar asked. He seemed to be curious about them, which she understood, he was giving them a ride and he didn't know anything about them, he was taking a huge risk, they could be serial killers, he had even seen them kill a monster just five minutes ago.

"yes" she said "greek monsters. We're children of the greek gods, I'm daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, Will is son of the sun god, Apollo and Nico is the son of Hades, god of the underworld. You should watch out for him" Ivy teased "he's called the ghost king and I've heard he can raise the dead. I don't know though, I've never seen him do it"

Ragnar looked at her horrified. "he can raise the dead? like zombies and stuff?"

Ivy laughed and nodded "but he's a good guy, you don't have to be scared" she said. They stopped by the rock Nico sat on.

Ivy looked at him and Will. Will was laughing and Nico was just watching him, smiling. They liked each other so much but they didn't seem to be doing much about it and it was pissing Ivy off, she wanted them to just kiss already but she guessed everything took its time.

"so what can you do?" Ragnar asked. 

"im clever, wise. I don't have any powers, many demigods don't, I don't and Will doesn't but he is a good doctor"

ivy climbed out of the car and looked at Will and Nico.

"come on!" she shouted "we'll leave with out you if you don't hurry up!"

they stood up and got into the backseat of the car.

"hey" Will said. "Thanks for giving us a ride, makes this trip much easier" 

Ivy smiled, she liked Will. He was a good friend, he had showed her around camp and told her about the battles, about the seven and he'd told her about Leo Valdez.

Leo Valdez had sacrificed himself to stop the war, he was a hero. He had been funny, Will told her, and he fell in love with every beautiful girl he saw. Will had shown Leo around camp too and they had been friends and she guessed Nico had known him too, since he and a girl called Reyna had helped the seven.

"no problem" Ragnar said and smiled. He was tried to start the car again but nothing happened. He cursed in Icelandic and tried to force the car to start, after couple of tries it finally started and it sounded like Ragnar was either threatening the car or still cursing.they drove down the street. Ragnar asked all kinds of questions and either Will or Nico answered him. 

Ivy was lost in her thoughts, she was thinking about all the countries she had lived in and she was thinking about her parents. She wondered if they were still in New York or if they had left. She hadn't talked to them in a long time. She stared out the window, at first she just saw buildings but then there was only the sky, mountains and grass. The fewer the building were they darker it became. Soon she drifted off.

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