Chapter 5

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Nico grabbed his backpack and walked to half blood hill. Ivy and Will were already waiting for him. They would drive to the city and talk to some people Will knew to get to Iceland.

When Will and Ivy started to head down the hill he turned around to look at the camp again, he saw that his friends waving at him. Why had he even considdered leaving? he was just going for couple of months and he missed it even before he was gone. Even if he didn't like it Camp Half Blood would always have a part in his heart, even bigger after he had made friends and got a cabin.

He ran after Will and Ivy. He thought Argus would be driving them but Will and Ivy jumped into the back of a blue bleached pickup truck. Nico hessitated but followed them

In the front seats were two figures. "seriously?" Nico asked. Jason was under the wheel and Percy sat beside him. "what are you doing? I'm going with Argus"

"oh come on, we're just going to drive you there then we will be gone again" Percy said but Nico jumped out of the car and headed towards the hill where Argus the one hundred eyed guard was. He followed the guard towards a smaller black car. Not a chance he would be in the same car as Percy, Jason and Will, he didn't trust the other sons of the big three to act normal.

Will and Ivy came after him both laughing. Nico hadn't even talked to Ivy yet, not even said hi, ever. He didn't care, if he didn't really talk to people exept they talked to him first.

Will sat in the middle in the backseat as they drove to the city. Nico didn't say much but he was listening to Will and Ivy talk about sports. Nico didn't know anything about football but he had been on the soccer team in his old school.

They finally arrived to the city. They all stepped out of the car and looked around. Ivy headed for a resturant, they were supposed to find some guy who could get them to iceland without having to fly or sail.

"are you excited?" Will asked, suddenly beside him. Nico shrugged, he wasn't.

"maybe a little" he said for some reason. He was done with that demigod-hero stuff for a while.

"this could be fun you know" Will smiled.

"you keep saying that"

"thats because I want you to have fun and be happy" Will said as he walked through the door. Nico just stood there looking after him, surprised but soon shook his head and followed Will. He didn't see Ivy anywhere until she walked up to them holding a shoe. Old ruined shoe, Nico furrowed his eyebrows.

"its supposed to take us to iceland" Ivy said and sowed them the shoe.

"yea.. sorry to break it to you but i dont think we're all going to fit in that" Will said. Nico smiled at that but tried to hold the laughter down because Ivy didn't seem to be amused.

"you just have to touch it Idiot" she said "and before its 9'o clock because then we'll go"

they all touched the shoe. Nico looked at the clock then it wasn't there anymore. He was looking at a big bookshop. He couldn't read the name due to his dyslexia and the other language. He could hear the traffic though it wasn't nearly as loud as in New York. People were walking past, families, couples.

Nico guessed they were in the mid-town. It looked nice, not as crowded as in New York but alive. He looked at Will and Ivy, they had gotten to Iceland in a second. He had expected they would feel it but it was just like the world had changed but they were standing on the same spot. If he hadn't known what the shoe did and someone had told him he was on the same spot as before, he would've believed them.

"let's go" Ivy said and threw the shoe in a trasscan. She sure had the same attitude as Annabeth. They both followed her over the street.

"what now?" Nico asked Ivy. She shrugged.

"it's your quest isn't it?" she said and looked at him. He scowled, that attitude was not working for him.

he walked into a resturant with a brown wooden door. It actually looked really nice.

"let's just get something to eat first" he said as a waitress asigned them a table.

They all sat down and Nico kept his hand on his sword, just in case. It wouldn't surprise him if they would end up fighting some monster.

Nico wasn't hungry but he ordered a burger anyway, also Will kinda forced him to because of his health or something.

He ate in silence.

"i used to live here" Ivy said. Nico looked at her, he didn't know that and he was getting pretty curious about the daughter of Athena, though he would not ask any questions. Ever.

"wait, I thought you lived in New Orleans before you came here" Will said. Apparently he and Ivy were already really good friends.

"Yea, and before that here and before that London and before that.. we moved everytime I got expelled from a school. So every year a new country, new people, new languages or new accents. When we came to Manhattan I didn't want to move again. I was tired of having no friends because I always left anyway so I ran away and ended at camp" she said. Nico felt sorry for her, he knew how it was- not having friends.

Will nodded. "How did you guys get to camp?" Ivy asked.

"monsters attached my family and I ended up getting a sword in my hand and fighting them beside Michael Yew and some other campers" Will said with a shrug "Everyone in my family survived because of Apollo's healing powers"

They both looked at Nico. They weren't expecting a story from him were they.

"Percy, Annabeth and Thalia picked us up" he said shortly as they got their food. It looked okay, maybe a little too long in the owen but what did Nico know about cooking?

"us?" Ivy asked "you said us"

Crap! He said us, he was not going to talk about Bianca with them. He'd just say he was his sister and that would be it. He took a deep breath.

"my sister Bianca" he said calmly "they picked me and my sister Bianca up"

the image of his sister came into his mind and his eyes almost started to water. He looked down and took the first bite of his burger.

"But I thought you were the only child of Hades" Ivy said "I've never-" she broke off as she realized it which made it even worse but he ignored it. He had learned how to ignore the pain a long time ago.

"yea" Nico said and took another bite, then the third. He was going to throw up, he didn't fit more into his stomach.

"I'm just goi-" he didn't get to finish the sentence because of a loud roar and the room caught on fire.

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