Turned by Chester

Start from the beginning

She was stood in the hall with Henry who was holding her by her neck and she was crying, earlier I had overheard Marios on the phone talking to Henry. He had basically abducted her, Teia was the 'missing' one that they had been looking for since she had been born. Her parents, now both dead by Henrys hands, had tried to protect her and had arranged for her to be adopted and so she was, without the knowledge of any of the brothers and until now they had been looking for her.

Henry, who was visiting Marios at the time, had seen her quite by accident and the only thing that had brought her to his attention was that she was talking to a vampire, she did not realise it of course, and it was the vampires interest in her that made him take note. Vampires are naturally attracted to those that can 'see'. He walked over there and grabbed her wrist, looking for the mark and when he saw it he pretended to be a concerned father looking for his missing daughter. He'd abducted her in broad daylight and managed to get her into his car, despite her protests and screams not one person had tried to stop or question him.

Henry roughly pushed her to me so hard she almost fell but I caught her. 'All yours Harrington' he said and he and Marios both left. I could tell she was not street wise at all, this girl had lived a sheltered life so far and she looked far younger than twelve maybe around ten.

I crouched down to her level and said, 'Hey, I'm Chester I am going to be your friend while you're here. Come I'll show you your room.'

'I want to go home', she wailed, 'This is your home now.' I replied to her and I remember she started to wail louder.

Jeremiah punched me in the arm, 'You OK!' he asked. 'No, I am not! You told me the best thing for her was for me to stay away and let her think I had died. Well effing look at her Jeremiah. Do you still think that.' I looked over at her, she was drinking, smoking, was hardly wearing any clothes, had those hideous tattoos and her hair, don't even get me started on that.

She was now back working behind the bar, occasionally someone would lean over the bar and slap her bottom,and she would turn, laugh and give them the finger. I could not believe it, where had my sweet and innocent Teia gone. I began to walk over to her, 'I'm going to give her a piece of mind' I said to Jeremiah but he stopped me.

“You're supposed to be dead remember?” he said. “You'll give her a heart attack if you just walk over there and what if the twins see you. Think Chester.”

Just then the twins came back and I watched as she put her hands up to one of their faces and they began kiss, I knew it had to be Geffron as he had always had a thing for her and once told me he would love to get her into bed. He had always taken great delight in winding me up and he did it with ease through Andrasteia. I roared her name as I witnessed his hand go up her skirt and again moved to walk over to her, I was going to kill him, but I was dragged out of the club, screaming, by Isaac, Rose and Jeremiah and almost dragged half the way home.

“Get off me” I screamed at them for the hundredth time, this time Isaac let go but Jeremiah didn't and now as I had one arm free I pushed him hard and he fell to the floor. “She thinks you've been dead for the past three years, you can't just walk up to her while she's snogging her new boyfriend and announce you’re a vampire”. Jeremiah spat at me.

The word boyfriend enraged me and I punched him, I had almost died, I was very close to it. I remember Teia screaming and trying to get free from Jeremiahs grip as he took her away under my orders, I knew I had taken a fatal wound to the stomach as Henry had slashed me from one side to the other with his knife. I wanted to make sure she had got away safely while I was still conscious.

As I lay there dying Henry spat on me and said he was leaving to me die alone like the peasant I was. I also remember he stamped down hard on my chest with his boot breaking two or three of my ribs in the process. “Marios told me I had to watch you take your last breath, but you're a goner and I'm not wasting my time on you”, he said and then he left.

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