Episode 105

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Joe, Demi, Gabe, Denise, Paul, Nick, Kevin, Danielle, Alena, Frankie, Dianna, Dallas, Maddie and Eddie were all scattered around Joe and Demi's living room as they watched videos of the four boys when they were younger mainly starting when Joe was born, Nick or Frankie weren't around but they could see the type as Kevin held Joe for the first time.

"Who that?!" Gabe questioned as he watched.

"That is Uncle Kevin and daddy, he is only a little baby." Denise explained.

"Daddy much bigger now." Everyone laughed Gabe leaning back against his mother continuing to watch the screen as the tape went along. Nick had arrived Joe now being three as they watched the three brothers be together for the first time. Joe didn't remember much of his early childhood, it wasn't until he was about five that he started to remember situations at school, being bullied by another boy through middle school. They watched as the four brothers aged, going on vacations, birthdays and Christmases went by some without Nick but some with Nick there. It was only then Nick realised how much he wasn't around his brothers, they went on so many vacations without him but he was glad he was there for all the Christmases.

"Aw you were so cute as a child." Demi teased Joe smiling.

"No point saying that Demi, I'll go home and get your home movies." Eddie taunted making everyone laugh but Joe and Demi shared a kiss.

"No kissy." Gabe demanded making them laugh.

"Can you remember this Joe?" Nick questioned as Joe's eyes were on the screen, he was starting to get tired but he was determined to spend as much time with his family as he could before he had to go. His eyes focused remembering they were at a zoo but on the park they had all made out of wood, he remembered the race they had to see who got to the top.

"I do! I broke my arm!" Kevin exclaimed making everyone laugh.

"Yeah I remember it." Joe stated watching as Denise shouted go the three brothers running off, he could hear Frankie cooing in the pram that Denise was rocking it as she watched her three oldest sons run up to the top but Kevin tripped falling on his arm. All you saw then was the camera drop Paul's legs running towards his son. They all couldn't help but laugh.

"I still have the scar!"

The camera continued until it was just a couple of days after Gabe was born when Joe and Demi had taken him over to see his Grandparent', he was just in a baby bouncer looking up at his surroundings. It didn't seem that long ago to Joe and Demi but they looked at the boy sat in Demi's lap only then realising that it was the same boy.

"Is that me?" Gabe questioned Demi nodding her head gently.

"When you were just a little baby, only three days old." Demi cooed moving some of his curls out of his eyes so he could see more.

"Is the baby that big in your tummy?" Gabe inquired Demi shaking her head this time.

"Not even that big yet, your brother or sister has to grow some more over the next eight months until he or she is big enough to come meet us." Demi explained.

"That long time!" Everyone laughed. "Daddy got a baby in here?" Gabe placed his hand on Joe's stomach everyone laughed again making Gabe shy nuzzling into his father's arm. They could see why he would think so with Joe being ill and not like himself.

"No Gabriel, only girls have baby's." Denise cooed to her Grandson.

Joe knew then it was time. He kissed the side of Demi's head then Gabe's before he settled down. He blinked a couple of times before his eyes shut for the last time.


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