Episode 88

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Joe and Denise had stayed outside the room while the others left them so they could have a talk but once he had calmed down they went to the waiting room to wait there in comfort rather than sat against the floor. He knew that he needed to go home, he just wished he hadn't have gone shopping in the first place then he could have tried to save his girlfriend and child. They wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for him.

"It's all my fault." Joe mumbled leaning back on his chair running his fingers through his hair again, Denise just laid her hand down on his leg to comfort him.

"None of this is your fault Joe, it couldn't have been changed." Dianna comforted.

"As we left for shopping I told security to go have a break because Demi was asleep, I shouldn't have done that and now Demi is here probably fighting for her life because I told them to go on a break," They knew Joe shouldn't be blaming himself but in these situations they knew that people tended to find any way to blame themselves. "I'm not even going to be able to see my own child born." Joe let a tear run down his cheek after realising, he wanted to be the one who would hold Demi's hand telling her that everything will be okay and worth it in the end, he wanted to be the one who could cut the cord after his son or daughter was born. Now he couldn't even see his own child come into the world and neither could Demi, she wanted to give birth naturally not through C-Section. Denise wrapped her arm around him this time allowing him to lean on her. Nobody else has anything else to say that could make him feel better.

"Joe?" They heard looking towards the hallway seeing a nurse stood there. "There is someone who wants to meet you." A smile came to everyone's face knowing what she meant. Denise unwrapped her arm patting his back gently telling him to go. He was hesitant but got up following the nurse into the room where Demi was taken into, they made their way over to the plastic crib Joe's eyes landing on a tiny baby sleeping peacefully. The nurses had fed the baby formula but Joe knew that Demi would want to breast feed if she could.

"Are they okay?" Joe inquired staring down at his baby feeling the tears run down his cheeks. He told his father he would cry because he knew it would happen.

"He is fine, congratulations you have a son." Joe smiled wiping away his tears as the nurse leaned down bringing the newborn up in her arms before placing him down in Joe's in the correct position, Joe only smiled wider as his son stayed asleep in his arms.

"He has loads of hair, look at it," He laughed the nurse smiling. "Is he okay and Demi?"

"Demi is in recovery at the moment but expected to make a full recovery, we stitched up the stab wound up but luckily your son was laid in such a position that it didn't even affect him." She explained relief filling his body. He couldn't raise his son alone, he wanted Demi there with him.

"Thank you." He praised the nurse smiling shaking her head gently.

"You don't have to thank me." She smiled this time. "You want me to take him back and we'll put him in nursery then you can go see Demi if you want." Joe nodded his head laying his son down in the crib again carefully not wanting to wake him.

"I'm just going to tell my family and Demi's that everything is okay." The nurse nodded her head before he left the room smiling as he saw his family and Demi's family where he had left them. They all looked up at him smiling as they saw his family.

"How are they?" Paul was the one to ask.

"Both going to be okay, I'd tell you about the baby but I think Demi deserves to know first when she wakes up." Joe stated.

"That's fine Joe, just go be with her, we'll wait here." Eddie ordered Joe laughing before leaving again. They were all just happy to see his smile back.


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