Episode 44

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"Is it deep?" Nick questioned as he was sat on Demi's couch his sleeve up so Demi could have a look at his cut. They wanted to avoid the hospital if they could Demi shook her head gently sighing burying her head in her hands. She wanted to block everyone out so they wouldn't get hurt. She didn't want all of her loved ones to go through this. She felt like packing up and leaving but she knew that Nick wouldn't forgive her if she did that, she also knew that Jamie would find her. She couldn't leave Joe, they had gotten close over the six months and she couldn't break his heart.

"Stay here, I'm gonna get the medical kit," Demi mumbled getting up from her chair, she made her way over to the bathroom. She opened the cupboard she had in there grabbing the green case of the top shelf. She wondered back out setting it down on the coffee table sitting down and opening it up, she grabbed some wipes beginning to rip them open. "Sorry, this will sting."

"I know." Nick prepared himself hissing slightly as Demi ran the wipe over his graze.

"He'll be back, if Joe doesn't die this time he'll make sure he does." Demi stated.

"I've already phoned for extra security, anyone who might have the slightest thing to do with you will be protected by someone." Nick assured here.

"That won't stop him, I should just go with him Nick." Demi demanded.

"No Demi, he will win that way," Nick begun. "It will all pass over soon either because he ran away or because he's been caught."

"I don't want anybody else hurting because of this." Demi stated again grabbing the bandage so she could tie it around his wound.

"They won't, I'll make sure of it," Nick demanded this time Demi knowing that he was serious. She finished up cleaning and bandaging his wound then cleaning everything away as Nick pulled his sleeve down. Demi slumped next to him. "Come here." Nick wrapped his arm around her allowing her to snuggle into his chest. It wasn't too much longer that he heard soft snores coming from just below him. He smiled kissing her head before beginning to watch TV.

"Whoever shot him just missed any major organs or arteries, we are positive that he will make a full recovery however we would like to keep him in for a couple of days maybe a week until we know for certain that he will be okay." The doctor explained later on that morning after everyone has had a rest including Joe who was now awake after his operation to get the bullet out. They all shared hugs around each other as they thanked the doctor which gave him the opportunity to check on his other patients.

"See I told you." Nick whispered in her ear.

"I'm just worried that Jamie will make him suffer again." Demi sighed, they had called the police about the attempt rape and the shot that was fired at Nick. He was being watched carefully, if he makes a bad move that will be the end for him.

"Don't concentrate on that and concentrate on helping Joe recover." Nick whispered.

"You may see him now two at a time." The nurse announced Demi only darting into the room when she had Denise's permission that she and Nick could go in first. They saw what happened and everyone agreed they should be the first to see him okay.

"J-Joe." Demi stammered as her eyes laid on her lover. He was laid down on the bed, if he sat up it would hurt his wound. He had his bare chest showing clearly where they had done the surgery and would leave a scar, he had the bed sheet just above his lower area. Joe cracked a small smile at her still being a little shaken up after what happened. She wondered over to his bed leaning down kissing his lips gently.

"I'm okay." He reassured her as she pulled away but Demi could see how weak he was, he was always assuring everyone he was okay even though he was in the worst pain.

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear your voice, I could have lost you." Demi feared, she didn't know what she would do if she got the news that he died. He had become her world.


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