Episode 8

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Joe allowed his mother to help him into the car after he had his stitches done back up at the hospital. They had no reason to keep him in so they let him go after Joe had promised to be more careful. Denise climbed into the driver's side starting the engine up, she sighed seeing Joe leaning his head against the window his eyes closed. He hasn't been the same since the accident, she had always been worried about him. Wondering what he would do if his football career never actually started up, she blames herself slightly for not encouraging him to have a backup like she did Nick when he was younger. He always has to his school work before his career, even before shows if he had to as long as he graduated with good grades he could do what he wants.

"Joe baby please cheer up, I hate seeing you like this." Denise begged slightly pulling out of the spot after looking for oncoming traffic.

"I've never felt so miserable in my life mom, football was my life and now that I can't do it I don't have anything else. I never realised how much I actually loved the sport until I can't play it anymore." Joe mumbled not moving from the position he was in.

"I know it must be hard Joe but you need to try and think of something else that you could enjoy just as much. Don't try and push us a way, we're here to help you and cheer you up but at the moment that's just impossible to do because you're not willing to give it a go. Nick isn't here often so why don't you spend some time with your brother? I know Nick would like that." Denise suggested rubbing his thigh gently before she had to change gear.

"I-I'll try." Joe stammered not helping but letting the tear roll down his cheek.

Nick rushed out the house when he saw the car pull up in the drive, he helped his mother get his brother out of the car and help him up the path and through the door. It was only when Joe was in the house and sat on the couch that Denise wondered off to carry on what she was doing in the kitchen before she heard her son cry out in pain.

"I'm sorry Joe." Nick breathed Joe cracking a smile shaking his head.

"It's fine, you didn't mean it but that drink sounds good about now." He grinned Nick smiling at his sudden burst of mood. It was as if he was trying.

"Of course." Nick got up leaving the room to get his brother a drink.

"Sorry about before, let's start over. I'm Joe." Joe introduced to Demi who gave him a warm smile, she could see the change in his mood as well.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Demi." Demi replied as Nick came back into the room.

"One drink for my older but not oldest brother." Nick joked as he handed Joe a drink, Joe even let out a little chuckle at his brother's lame jokes. Nick had never been very good in the funny department, Joe took that role on just by being himself.

"Stop being lame Nick." Joe answered taking a sip of his drink before he set it on the side table by his side so it was easy for him to pick back up.

"What suddenly changed in your mood?" Nick questioned.

"Nothing, I guess I'm just trying a little more but don't be surprised if I wake up different tomorrow cause I have no idea how I'm gonna get over this." Joe admitted sighing.

"There must be something else you enjoy other than football." Demi added in Joe shrugging his shoulders, he couldn't think of anything.

"Not really that I can do as I living, I like cooking but I wouldn't want to do that and I love watching TV. If only I could get paid for watching TV." Joe grinned making them laugh.

"We'll find something for you bro, I promise." Nick vowed.

"Thanks Nick and you too Demi." They both gave him a smile Nick handing him the controls knowing that Friends was only going to be put back on but he was happy that his real brother seemed to be shining through a little more.


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