Episode 83

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The room had been painted and the floor had been laid down. Most of them were in the kitchen having a well needed rest and a drink but Joe and Paul had stayed upstairs so they could get the crib together and the changing table. They have had a quick drink to keep their energy up but it was getting late and they wanted to get it done today so it was ready for Joe to show Demi tomorrow. He knew she would love it.

"You looking forward to being a father then?" Paul inquired.

"Yeah but I'm a little nervous too, I never even held a baby before Alena arrived." Joe admitted for the first time. He had always thought it but never told anyone before. He knew it was normal though to feel like he did being a first time father, he just wanted to do everything right by his child and give him or her the best life he could.

"It's normal to feel that way but you'll be fine, you'll be a good father. You're not a little boy anymore, your twenty six now and more than capable enough to start your own family." Paul assured him passing him a screw so he could screw the base of the crib together.

"I know I will be in the end, just nerves I guess." Joe shrugged his shoulders.

"It's the most amazing feeling a man can have when you hold your baby for the first time, I'm not usually a crier but everytime I held you guys I cried." Paul stated.

"It's an emotional time for a man I guess, I know I'll cry," Joe admitted making them both laugh, Joe had never been one to hide his feelings, he would cry when he wanted to as long as it wouldn't affect the people around him. "Thanks for helping out with this dad, I know your back has been hurting." Paul shook his head smiling at his son.

"My back problems won't stop me from contributing to help you set all this up." Paul stated, he wanted to be a Grandfather and not allow his back to play up. Joe smiled continuing with the crib, he knew what kind of father he wanted to be and it was to be just like his own father. He was a great man

and he hoped to be like him in the future.

"Hi," Demi breathed as she looked up from her book seeing Joe stood in the doorway of the room the two of them were sharing. Joe smiled entering the room shutting the door behind him, he made his way over to the bed kneeling down next to her kissing her hand. "I don't suppose you'll tell me what has been going on today will you?"

"Not at all." Joe grinned making Demi groan.

"It's a surprise for tomorrow, call it another Christmas present," Joe grinned but that didn't make Demi feel better about the situation. She didn't like it when everyone knew something and she didn't, she wanted to know but if Joe wanted to keep it as a surprise she would respect that. "You had a good day with the girls?"

"Yeah it's been fun, I think I've justified who wants a boy and who wants a girl," Joe chuckled. "Quick Joe stand up." She demanded.

"What's wrong?" Joe panicked standing up quickly but relaxed when she grabbed one of his hands, she moved his hand laying his hand on her small bump. A smile came to his lips when he felt a push against his hand, Demi smiled too looking up at him.

"Squish is announcing they are there," Demi grinned.

"When did you first feel it?" Joe questioned.

"A couple of hours ago." She stated Joe taking his hands off making his way over to the other side of the bed laying down next to her putting both of his hands back on her bump once her shirt was raised. He found it fascinating, he could feel his eyes welling up with tears as he continued to feel a push against his hand as if he or she knew that he was there and he was their father. Neither of them could wait to finally meet their son or daughter.


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