Episode 63

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"Mom put the phone on speaker, we have something to tell you." Joe demanded softly having his phone on speaker himself. They were about to tell Joe's parents and youngest brother the news about expecting a baby this July. They wouldn't bother telling Demi's parents quite yet as in a couple of weeks they would be going to Dallas where they could tell them face to face, Joe would also be meeting them for the first time even though they have been together for a good eight months. They just hadn't found time, Demi had visited where she could but Joe wasn't there when she had done.

"Okay done, what is it?" Denise inquired.

"Well me and Demi found out yesterday that Demi is pregnant." Joe revealed smiling when he heard a squeal from his mother, he didn't worry about her not being supportive. Her sons weren't little boys anymore, Joe was twenty five and was at more than at the right age to think about having children of his own. Joe wrapped his arm around Demi kissing her side of her head as they both smiled hearing how happy they were about the baby.

"Congratulations son." Paul spoke through the phone realising nobody had spoken to them in a while but they knew that they were happy with the squeals.

"When are you due Demi?" Denise inquired.

"July time, we don't have an exact date yet. I'm five weeks along." Demi explained.

"Can you name him Frankie?" Frankie questioned making them all laugh.

"Who says it's a boy? I might get another Granddaughter." Denise spoke.

"When the tour comes near home let us know and we'll drive and meet you." Paul stated.

"Will do." Joe promised. They stayed on the phone for a good half an hour or so catching up with everything that had happened Joe reassuring both his parents that his knee was fine after his accident, he hadn't spoken to them since but Nick had called to let them know. They hung the phone up just in time for Nick to come out of his room.

"Morning." He stated pouring himself a coffee.

"You just missed mom and dad, they were ecstatic about the baby." Joe grinned.

"Told ya mom would be fine with it." Nick took a seat next to them Demi leaning her head on him. She was thankful for all the support she was receiving. The most important support she was receiving was from her boyfriend, she didn't know what she would do if he didn't want the baby.

Joe and Demi decided to talk a walk for a bit so they could pass time before the next show, they had been this part of the country on tour before and Joe when he was touring with his football team so didn't bother exploring too much. They were wondering through town when something caught Demi's eyes making them stop letting go of his hand.

"These are so adorable!" Demi exclaimed biting her lip gently turning to Joe. "Is it too early to buy clothes?" She questioned but kept her voice down in case anybody was watching.

"It kinda is Demi, we don't even know what we're having." Joe stated.

"But these are cute and we might not see them across again. They are unisex too." Demi demanded.

"If you want them then we'll buy them, all I'm saying is your only five weeks along. Something could still happen." Demi squealed slightly hugging him.

"For the record we're not finding out what we're having until they pop out of me." She whispered in his ear making her laugh.

"I don't mind that, the surprise will be nice." Joe admitted.

"Come on then!" Demi grabbed his hand dragging him inside.

"Doesn't this look a bit weird? Buying baby clothes before your fans even know about the pregnancy?" Joe questioned quietly again. Demi shrugged her shoulders.

"Dallas is having a baby now, she's excited." Demi grinned making Joe laugh again.

"I'll let you tell her that." Joe answered.


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