Cheating and Locks

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Len's POV

*after school*

"Hey Meiko?" I asked her and tapped on her shoulder. She turned to look at me and smiled. "Yeah?" She asked and got out her backpack from her locker. "Do you know where Miku's at?" I asked her and Meiko nodded. "She's in the gym. She said she's putting away the supplies with Kaito," Meiko said. "Thanks," I said and started running to the gym. I forgot to ask her about prom. She's going to be super mad if I don't ask her. "Go get her Romeo!" Meiko shouted. I smirked and continued running.

For a second I stopped and looked at Meiko. "When I said go get her. You don't go get her and stop halfway," Meiko said sarcastically. "Kaito's your Romeo. Why don't you go get him?" I asked her and Meiko groaned. "Fine. I'll come with you," Meiko said and we both started running. Even though Meiko was faster than me. When we reached the gym I heard giggling sounds. Both of a boy and girl.

"Miku? Kaito? Are both of you in there?" I asked. No response and the giggling stopped. Meiko crossed her arms. "Here let me do it," she said and twisted on the doorknob slowly and looked inside.

Kaito. Miku. Kaito's shirt unbuttoned. Miku's shoes and socks were on the floor. They were kissing. But it more looked like we walked in on somebody. "How. Could. You?!" Meiko screamed and cracked her knuckles. "I KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP WITH KAITO AND MIKU!! THOSE TWO IDIOTS HAVE BEEN CHEATING ON THE BOTH OF US!!" Meiko yelled and turned to me. I was speechless. Shocked.

I never thought that Miku would be the one cheating.

"Len I-"

"Just shut up! If your going to tell me it's not what it seems it's exactly what it seems! And you can't undo it. Never will you undo it!!"

I walked out of the gym furious. My hands clenched to fists. My teeth gritting. With no tears in my eyes I walked out. "Hey Len what's wrong?" Rin asked walking toward me. Behind her Aoki and Yuki were talking prom again. And Piko, Oliver, IO, and Yukari standing quiet.

"I voted for Kaito and Meiko already," Aoki said.

I scoffed. "Yeah right more like Kaito and Miku."

There was a long pause followed by a lot of gasps and mouth-covering with the hands.

"Miku cheated on you?!" The whole group asked at the same time. Slowly I nodded and released my fists.

"I'm okay with it. I just had the feeling that something was up. So I'm not hurt," I said and Rin sighed.

"I've been noticing something about Mikuo. Honestly whenever I'm visiting him when he's sick, he seems okay. I only stay for like, one minute because after he tells me to go away because he doesn't want me to be 'Infected' for some reason. It's like he's slowly pushing me away," Rin says.

"That's horrible!" Aoki exclaimed.

I wouldn't push you away....

"W-What Aoki said," I said and looked in back of me. If only I had the guts to tell you what I really felt without Mikuo in the way.

(Song: Ugly Guy Documentary)

I can never say anything to you 'cause I am such an unattractive guy
Although in the hopes that I one day might get closer to you
It's a battle I'll fight!

I wonder if it happened the first time I saw your face
Something struck me deep inside - I could feel my heart race
No matter how I look at it 'cause from all I can see
The answer's very clear - that you're too good for me

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