I Can't Forget You

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Rin's POV

I went straight to sleep and had those weird dreams. The one with Len in them.

I'm guessing it was the last one. Finally it shows me alone in a dark place holding a feather in my bruised hand. "If I was no longer human would you still love me?" This time when I asked, no answer. I'm assuming that Len in the dream died from the sickness. So I was going to place the feather on the table. When someone hugged me from behind. It was Len and he was still alive. "Of course. I promised I'd embrace you when you lost your wings. And that crane which had beautifully taken flight that day. I've never forgotten, and still remember, even now I still love you."

Tears fell out of my eyes. I got hurt again. I didn't want to be hurt. But now I was able to wake up at a regular time. Not in the middle of the night texting Len. "Guess who's back from college?" I heard a boy's voice say. "Rinto!" I exclaimed and saw him in my room with a pair of black basketball shorts on and a white shirt with a yellow tie. I got up to hug him really tight. Tears fell out of my eyes. I haven't seen him in years! Minus that day when he was in the manga store. "How are ya, Otaku," Rinto said. I actually didn't feel like answering that question. I broke free from the hug and sat on my bed straight. "No one cares about that. How are you?" I asked him. "One. I graduated. Two. I'm great," Rinto said and messed up my haire even though it was already messed up.

"You look like an Orangu," Rinto said and laughed. But my smile faded.

Len: WOOOOOAAAAHHHH Slow your role Orangu

"Rin? Seriously how are you? I haven't seen my sister since I left for college," Rinto said and I wiped my tears away. I had two brothers now. Before I could answer Rinto with a lie my phone buzzed. Before I grabbed it Rinto got my phone for me. But he looked at the text instead. Maybe he thought it was a clue to tell him how I was doing. "Unknown number. Here," Rinto said handing me my phone. He was right. Unknown number.

Unknown: Hello this is Kaya. I hope that you and your mother don't have the same iCloud. Well, I'm inviting you for tea this afternoon before the dance of yours. I need to talk to you about something. Regarding Len.

His name struck me with a great force of pain I thought that I was going to cough out blood. What did she need to talk about? She's probably the reason why Len and I are related. But if it had to do with Len, I don't think I can go. It hurts. It hurts too much.

Me: I'm sorry but I have a busy schedule. I'm getting my hair done and everything the whole day.

Unknown: Oh okay. So are you available on Sunday? Tomorrow?

I don't think I have an excuse for Sunday. I have to go. Even though it'll hurt.

Me: Okay

Unknown: Okay be at he house by 11 AM

Me: Okay

I turned off my phone and faced Rinto. "I'm free the whole day. Tonight's the dance. But I may not go," I said and Rinto nodded. "Good. Because the tux actually doesn't fit me anymore. Wait. Did you say may not go? Which means you might go?! Who's this date of yours?!" Rinto asked and I sighed. Remembering Len. I got my backpack and handed him the carefully folded paper plane and did my hair into it's four bobby pins in the front again. "I would approve of this man, Len Kagamine. You should go. He seems like a nice person," Rinto said and pain grew in my chest. A few drops of tears fell out of my eyes landing on my counter top. I wiped them away quickly and shook my head. "I still don't want to go," I said and Rinto crossed his arms. "There's something about this guy then. Why don't you want to go with this Len guy?" Rinto asked and I shook my head.

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