Chapter 7

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POV: Ally

"Ok ok, Ally, truth or dare?"

We were all in a circle, playing truth or dare. Mari just went and asked me wether I wanted truth or dare.

I thought about it...."Truth."

The crew all looked at each other before looking at me. I felt the whole mood change from happy and fun to serious.

She took a deep breath, "Ally....please answer this. Ian and Anthony are concerned and want to know....honestly....we all would like to know."

I sighed, "Bring it at me."

"When you were with the other families....were you....abused? You-you act like it. Whenever we touch you, you flinch and when you hug us or anything, you say sorry....that's not normal Ally."

I looked around the group, all their eyes were on me. I stood up, "I'm not answering this."

I began to walk away when Ian got up and grabbed my arm, causing me to wince in pain. That's where I cut...where I'm tied down by rope...

Ian didn't let go this time, but instead, tried to unravel my bandages.

I gasped and pulled my arm away, "Ian!"

I could see the tears in his eyes, "I know those bandages aren't for anything medical! They're to hide something, aren't they!"

I shook my head and stepped back, "Why...why couldn't you just leave me alone..."

I turned around to ran to my room, locking the door. I heard running to my door and knocking, "Ally....I'm just trying to help...I want to know if I can help."

I leaned my back against the door and slid down, hearing the same on the other side. Ian must have done the same thing, "You can't help me with this Ian..."

We sat in silence, only the sobs from Ian and I could be heard. Nothing else. You couldn't even hear the crew anymore. It was just Ian and I...

Trapped in a messed up world....

My messed up world...

A world I was trapped in for so long...I got out when I got here...well, for a few seconds, before I feel back into the pit...but this time....

I brought someone down with me....



Sorry for the short chapter! Next one should be long....I think.

But anyways, I'll howl at you later, my pack!🐺

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