Chapter 6

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POV: Ally

The next morning was quiet.....too quiet.

I got out of the bed and stretched, earning a satisfying crack from my back.

I sighed and opened the door, getting confetti blown in my face and horns being blared.

I opened my eyes to see Ian standing there. He had a party hat on his head, a blower hanging from his mouth, and more confetti in his hand.

I laughed, "What's all this?"

He smiled, "Well, it's always good to wake up to a party. I didn't realize you were already awake."

"Makes sense I guess."

He sighed, "I'm going to put these away before Anthony sees me."

He was about to walk away when he saw Anthony at the end of the hall. His cheeks got beet red and he stiffened, "You didn't get a picture, right?"

Anthony showed us his phone, it had a picture of Ian with the ridiculous party stuff on him.

I covered my mouth to keep myself from laughing. Ian was different, he looked pissed and embarrassed, "Delete that now!"

Anthony turned off his phone, "Make me."

Everything was still for a split second, then Ian darted at Anthony. Anthony instantly started running from Ian, screaming like a little girl. I laughed and followed after them.

Ian chased Anthony into the living room, pushing him onto the couch. He grabbed his arms and pinned them down, "Delete the fucking photo!"

Anthony was cracking up so much, I barely heard him, "Make me!"

Ian smiled and started tickling him, "DELETE THE PHOTO OR I WON'T STOP!"

Anthony's face started turning red, "I CAN'T BREATH! I'M GOING TO PEE!"

I laughed, "I'll get the camera for when you do!"


Ian stopped tickling him, allowing Anthony to take out his phone and delete the photo, "There! It's deleted!"

Ian nodded and got off of him, walking to the kitchen like nothing happened.

I smiled and hopped on the counter, "So.....what are we doing today?"

Ian stopped what he was doing and thought about it. But then he just shrugged his shoulders, "Nothing."

"What?! No adventure?!"

He shook his head and continued cooking.

I sighed and hopped off the counter, "No recordings?"

He shook his head.


He dropped his spatula and looked at me, "If you can find something to do then we'll do it. But right now we have nothing planned."

"That's why I'm asking you! I don't know what to do!"

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Anthony with a controller in his hand, "Video game?"

~~4 Hour Time Skip~~

I groaned, "Guys I'm done with the video games."

They looked over at me like I was crazy, "Really?"

I nodded, "I'm going to...listen to music."

They nodded and focused back at the tv.

I sighed and got off the couch, walking down the hallway.

Adopted by These Two Weirdos (Smosh Fanfiction) (COMPLETED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat