August 4, 2015 Dear Dairy: Nothing Much

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One thing I can't believe: IT'S ALMOST SCHOOL...!!!! Well fine, I'll admit school is pretty fun. Nothing out of the ordinary as happened lately just the same old same old. Which is this:

6-7am: Wake up sleepy head! (-_-) And eat breakfast (>.<)

7-9am: Study math! (^x^)

9-10am: Read or daydream or ETC (^_^)

10-11am: Eat lunch (>.< Yummy)

11am-12pm: Clean up (-_-)

12-1pm: Watch anything (!!!:D!!!)

1-3pm: Study ELA (^^)

3-5pm: Study Social Studies (^x^)

5-5:30pm: Break time (YAY!!!)

5:30-7pm: Study Science (zzz...sleepy)

7pm-9:00pm: Eat dinner and clean/watch TV (xD)

9-11pm: Study Life skills and anything more to study (...=)...)

11pm-12am: Read...then zzz (sleep...zzzz)

That's all I mostly do other then write on my watt pad. Anyways I catch you up on the interesting stuff when they happen. ^^ Bai bai...!!!

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