Chapter 12: Special Guest

Start from the beginning

She shrugged and added "At least we looked hot."

Em laughed and said jokingly, "I was kind of hoping Pete Wentz or Brendon Urie would jump out of a box or something. "

The show came to an end, the guys went to do another round of meet and greet with the fans at the merch table. Lilly and Emery happily headed to the bus, they sat on the couch laughing and talking, "No way, what about the time you spilled a Slurpee all over Ashley's boyfriend freshman year? He hated you for that!"

Em laughed and shook her head, "No way, when you dated that emo drummer was way worse, he quit the band and you became their new drummer for the talent that was bad."

They both laughed as they sat reminiscing. The bus door swung open, Jack and Rian wandered in and immediately went to the fridge grabbing a few beers and passing them out. Rian shook his head and laughed as he popped open his beer and sat across from the girls, "Those fans are crazy." Jack leaned against the counter taking a drink, giving a laugh and a small nod at Rian's statement. A few minutes later Zack came onto the bus and grinned as he sat next to Emery and gently wrapped his arms around her with a sigh of comfort. Lilly furrowed her brow as she looked around at the guys, "Where's Lex?" She said, the guys were here so he had to be close behind. Rian shrugged, "He stayed to talk to the fans". She nodded, knowing how much the fans meant to him so she wouldn't ask any more questions.

Lilly heard voiced outside, she figured maybe it was Alex and a fan. Curiosity getting the best of her she walked over to the kitchen and peaked out the window. Lisa Ruocco, Alex's ex, decided to come for a visit and Lilly was not happy. They'd been outside of the bus talking for an hour now and she was sitting in the bus with Zack who was cuddling Emery, and Jack, while Rian was at the other end of the bus on the phone with Cassadee again.

"Can I kill her? I want to fucking kill her." Lilly said clearly pissed off.

Jack shook his head, " No cornball calm down , they're probably just talking and she'll leave and Alex will explain how deeply in love with you he is."

She sighed deeply in disbelief and Zack gave a small half smile " Hey it's going to be fine, he can be an ass hole but he's not stupid enough to let you go."

Emery added on, "I'm sure it's not what you think Lil."

She shrugged " I don't know they're still out there..", she said getting up and peaking out the window over the sink...she was in utter shock. Was he really? He was kissing her against the semi truck outside that held the bands gear. " Well I suppose it's time to get shitfaced and pretend I never saw that" She mumbled and fumbled around in the fridge for alcohol. Lilly looked for anything just to make her numb, the guys looked confused and got up to peek outside they both made a face and went to comfort me, Emery was right behind as she came over and hugged her. She was already busy downing an eighth of scotch as she pushed them away.

Zack raised a brow " You should really slow down you're going to make yourself know never mind" he said as she shot him the death glare.

Em patted Zack's shoulder, "Trust me on this there is no stopping her at this point"

"I have something that will make you feel better!!" Jack exclaimed and ran to the other side of the bus while Zack hugged her and kissed the top of her head

"It's going to be okay ..I'm sure it's all going to be fine."

Meanwhile Jack ran back with a huge bag of gummy bears and his favorite movie.

Zack looked confused "where the hell have you been hiding that bag of diabetes??"

Jack just shushed him and Zack rolled his eyes. Alex left to go take Lisa back to her hotel. So with gummy bears and a lot of alcohol Zack and Jack and Lilly sat on the couch and watched Home Alone, one of Jack's favorite movies. She sat beside him, gently leaning on Jack. Zack got a call and sighed a bit. " I'm going to be back Alex needs me to pick him up." She glared at the mention of his name and cuddled up to Jack as she shoved her face full of gummy bears and watched the movie while Zack left with Emery to take the Band Van to get Alex.

Jack and Lilly were both drunk laughing their asses off at the movie and cuddling though they were more cuddling as friends than lovers, and with alcohol involved and her heartache she decided it was a good idea to reach up and kiss Jack. Without hesitation he kissed back and they sat there kissing and cuddling for a long while. About an hour later the tour bus door swung open and there was some voices as Zack walked into the bus first saying " It'll be fine just----" he trailed off as he saw Jack laying on the couch with gummy bears and 3 bottles of liquor on the floor and Lilly laying on top of him with their legs intertwined as she slept with her head on his chest both of their arms holding each other closely as they slept. Zack worriedly glanced behind him hoping Alex wouldn't notice, Emery shot Zack a questioning glance. Alex just stood starring he didn't even know what to say. He just shook his head and punched the counter before walking back outside and heading to Lisa's hotel. there he went and slept with Lisa, because he was pretty sure the girl he loved had fucked his best friend. Lisa had forced herself on him earlier but he knew it was wrong and told her this couldn't happen anymore. But this ..finding them when he came back to the bus sent him over the top. Neither Lilly nor Alex were exactly rational when they were angry, and each of them had both jumped to conclusions that left their relationship in pieces.

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