Chapter 7: Call Me Yours

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"Alex Gaskarth, possible mystery girlfriend? This Rock and Roll Heartthrob has everyone wondering who this new girl is! She's been seen backstage with the band at several shows, caught heading home with Alex, hanging around the band....and let's not forget these uber cute photos all over this rockstar's social media. Could the All Time Low front-man have a new girl?" The woman said as the pictures of Alex and Lilly faded revealing the woman who was speaking, a 40 year old woman with too many face lifts and a two sizes too small Prada dress. "Amber Rose, was recently ridiculed when.." The TV shut off and Emery looked over at Lilly who was sitting at the kitchen counter typing away on her laptop. "Looks like your not relationship made the news. " Lilly wasn't even listening.

Emery sighed and got up, shutting Lilly's computer causing her to glare up at her. "Lil, are you listening?"

She sighed, "Yes I heard you and I don't care. Alex and I are happy without any labels."

Emery groaned and walked over to the fridge as Lilly opened her laptop back up.


You two are always texting, you call each other like six times a day and Skype half as are starting to make me feel more single than I am."

Lilly shrugged and said, "Well get a boyfriend."

Emery picked up a carton of ice cream, sticking a spoon in her mouth as she mumbled, "If only it was that easy."

"I have nearly 300 tweets asking if I'm dating Lilly." Alex said as he looked at his phone.

Jack laughed, "Yeah all mine say they want to suck my dick or suck yours so.."

Alex laughed, "Alright that might be worse."

Jack nodded, "Some of these girls are scary..but I respect the creativity with some of the suggestions." , he said handing Alex his phone.

Alex read through some of Jack's mentions. "Oh wow...that one is gross and I don't think that's healthy...or possible."

Jack smirked and slid his phone back into his pocket.

"So make it official, you two are already practically dating" , Zack chimed in from where he sat across from them.

Rian, who was sitting next to Zack, nodded in agreement "Since Seattle you two have been in constant contact and you haven't shut up about her."

Zack nodded and added, " Portland, Eagle Point, Sacramento, San Francisco... she wasn't even there but after every show you still managed to talk about her nonstop."

Alex shrugged, "I don't know...I just like her, you know? She's different."

Jack patted his back, "We're in her backyard for the next three shows...if you don't figure this out before we leave then we will call her for you."

Alex sat back with a defeated sigh. He needed to talk to her, he needed to ask her out officially, he needed to make her his.

"I remember where you live...which is kind of creepy sounding when I say that out loud." He chuckled. "Anyways..I'm in town, I want to see you. Let me know when you're free so I don't show up and freak out your roommate." He said and Lilly smiled as she spoke into the phone, "Yeah. You know what...why don't you come over in an hour? You can bring the guys if you want." He smirked, "That sounds great. See you then." Lilly smiled brightly holding her phone to her chest before she finally got up to find Emery sitting on her bed, "Em, wear something cute. We have guests coming in an hour." Emery furrowed her brow, "Uh okay."

An hour later Em was wearing a Chambray button down with a cute statement necklace, a pair of leggings and brown military styled boots, her curled caramel hair falling over her shoulders. "Cute and casual. I like." Lilly smirked before she did a quick spin, "What about me?" Emery ran her eyes over her friends outfit, her deep reddish brown hair was simply straightened, she wore a pair of black laced over shorts, a pair of converse, and a cute black razorback tank with a cut out design on the back and on the front in white was an anchor with a ribbon wrapping around it reading "Refuse to Sink.", with her makeup tastefully done. Emery smirked, "Perfect." Lilly grinned and then there was a knock on the door. Emery corked a brow as Lilly skittered over to answer it. She smirked as she saw 4 boys standing their smiling, "Well hello, do come in. Make yourselves at home" She said warmly as she held open the door. Zack walked in and smiled at Emery, "You look nice." Emery blushed a bit, "Thanks..oh if you want a beer they're in the-" Before she could finish her sentence Jack was already heading to the fridge to grab a beer. Rian smiled and nodded to Emery, catching a beer Jack had thrown, he handed it to Zack and took the next one as his own. Lilly shut the door and leaned back against it, Alex smirked, "I like your place, I don't think I've ever seen it sober." He said with a small laugh and Lilly laughed too. She reached up and gently kissed him, "I missed you." He smiled and kissed her back, "I missed you too.", he murmured.

Lilly and Alex walked over and sat down on the couch, though really Alex was sitting on the couch and Lilly was mostly on Alex as they cuddled up on the couch as they talked. There was a knock on the door and Rian went to answer it. It was the pizza guy. Zack went over to the kitchen as Rian set down the many boxes of Pizza. Everyone started helping themselves, Alex and Lilly were too mesmerized by each other to notice. Emery sighed, "They need to just come out as a couple, I mean this is ridiculous." she muttered. Jack who was busy shoving a slice of pizza into his mouth nodded and said with a mouth full of food,

"Yeff, I know. Itsss rifficulouff." He mumbled almost unable to be understood through all the food in his mouth.

Emery made a disgusted face at him and said, "I'm just glad we're on the same page."

Jack nodded, "Toffally."

Zack piled a plate with pizza and went to sit down. on the couch, Rian followed and sat down in the armchair, Jack sat on the floor and ate stuffed his face with pizza. Finally Lilly and Alex got up to grab a slice for themselves before returning to their side of the couch where they sat draped over each other. Emery walked into the room, setting her pizza down as she went and rummaged through movies, "What do we want to watch?" Jack spoke up this time he spoke normally without a face full of food, though only for a moment, "HOME ALONE." Zack groaned and Rian shook his head. Lilly smiled, "What about Peter Pan?" Emery mad a face, "Eh, only if it's the Live action." Lilly and Alex exchanged glances, "Deal!" She called out and Emery put the movie on and took a seat next to Zack on the couch."

Happily everyone finished eating, Jack and Rian looked surprisingly glued to the movie, well until Rian got up and walked onto the balcony has his phone rang, his girlfriend Cassidy was calling. Jack's gaze however never wavered from the screen as he lay on his stomach, his head propped up by his hands. Lilly and Alex were cuddled up against each other, he had his arms around her, his thumb rubbing circled into the back of her hand as he rested his chin on her head. Every time a scene got too slow they'd just start kissing. Emery was cold and had ended up sharing a blanket with Zack, cuddling up against his side and he didn't seem to mind it.

Rian came in and returned to his seat just in time for them to start a second movie. It was getting later and later. Jack fell asleep on the floor cuddling an empty beer bottle, Rian sat awkwardly lounged in the armchair with one leg over the arm and a bag of chips in his lap, Alex and Lilly slept peacefully wrapped up in each other, cuddling on the couch. Zack had adjusted his sitting position so he know sat with his back against the arm of the couch, asleep, and Emery without either of them knowing it ended up asleep on top of Zack with her head on his chest and an arm around her, loosely holding her against his frame.

Lilly squirmed a bit and Alex sleepily smiled down at her as it had caused him to wake up. She smiled and looked up at him whispering, "What are you looking at?"

He didn't answer but in stead whispered back, "Be mine."

She smiled and looked confused in her sleepy state, "What?"

He whispered back, "Be mine, I want you to be my girlfriend. I want you."

Lilly smiled and reached up gently kissing him, "Call me yours, Rockstar."

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