Chapter 6: Headed Back Home

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The plane ride was incredibly boring as usual, Em was half asleep and Lilly was starring out the window watching the clouds and lands below. She let out a gentle sigh and tapped her fingers against her thigh, Alex, she couldn't get get him off her mind. She was starting to really like Alex..he made her happy, and soon she found herself anxiously wanting to see him again.

Emery groaned sitting up a bit in her seat, "I just want to sleep but it's impossible."

Lilly turned toward her friend giving a sympathetic, "I'm sorry."

Emery shrugged it off and sat up. "So what's up?"

Lilly shrugged, "Nothing, just thinking."

Emery smirked and nudged her friend, "About Aaaaalexxxxx?"

Lilly rolled her eyes, "Maybe".

Emery smirked, "You two are cute, I'm telling you everyone but apparently you can see something is there."

Zack grinned and looked over at Alex as he glanced out the bus window watching Seattle disappear. " Are you ever going to make it official?" Alex turned to look at him, " What are you talking about?" Rian walked in from his bunk " The girl you've been obsessing over." Alex shrugged and said, " I don't know. I don't think I'm ready to jump into another relationship ." Zack nodded in understanding and Alex turned back to the window. He knew he was falling for her, and all the guys could see it too.

From the back of the bus Jack yelled "WHERE ARE MY PANTS?" Rian sighed and went back to help the hungover Jack, who last night puked on his pants. "You took them off, Jack" he muttered and Jack sat up and said " That makes more sense.", he grumbled. Alex turned around and leaned back on the couch as he turned his phone over in his hands. He opened up his photos, looking through a few recent photos of him and Lilly together before he scrolled down to a set of photos from several months back until he stopped on a photo of him and a girl who had her arms draped around him. Lisa, his ex girlfriend. He stayed on the photo for a long moment before he finally clicked delete once and for all. He scrolled back to a photo of Lilly smiling before he sent her a single text.

I hope you made it home okay. I was just thinking about you, I can't wait to do this again.

Emery pushed open the apartment door dropping her bags and jumping backwards onto her couch " I'm so happy to be home" she said and Lilly shut the apartment door when her phone started to buzz. It was a text from Alex. She leaned back against the door smiling as she read it. Maybe she was falling for her...and maybe this time she was okay with that.


Authors note:

Sorry this one is short, just a filler chapter.
Next one will be better.  Also there will be two more updates later today.

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