FT C.5: The Request

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I walked to the shop that Mirjane had directed me to and almost instantly felt out of place, wearing a mismatch of hand me downs from the girls in the guild.

"Hello how may we help you today?" A looked towards the voice and saw a girl with a light purple bob emerge from the shadows.

"Hi, I was sent here by Mirajane for a new outfit?" The girl looked at me and then at the mark on my shoulder and her face broke into a massive smile.

"I love fairy tail. They're the only reason this shop is still running because I make extras of all their clothes, so when they get torn in battle I can give them a fresh outfit. It's amazing, I even sell some outfits off to people who want to dress like their favourite magician!"

I smiled at her and right before she began another rant I quickly began to talk, "I've seen what everyone else wears but I'm not comfortable fighting in a skirt or dress, so do you have anything easy to fight in, comfortable and dark?"

She nodded quickly and ran off to a door and disappeared leaving me to look through the different outfits and laugh at the labels.

- An Hour Later -

I left the shop in my new outfit (Art Credit to Noeldragous on Deviantart) and pulled out the map that Mirajane gave me of where to go.

It was apparently a five day walk or at least two days by any transport but as I made it out of town and into the country roads I made a quick spell,

"Oh mighty wind lift me up and carry me to my destination."

I was instantly lifted off my feet and carried in the direction of Oleander. I watched the hills roll by and passed many towns until the sun began to sink in the sky and the moon slowly rose.

That was when we finally reached the outskirts of Oleander, or what looked like it. The place was a wreck, and not a single building was undamaged.

I hopped off the gust of wind and landed on my feet and slowly looked around, "Excuse me, I am Fuyu, a member of Fairy Tail. I came here to complete a request?"

A lacrima suddenly floated above the city, supposedly activated by my voice, "hello guild member. Please make your way towards the palace so we can brief you on the request."

I looked around trying to find the palace in the moonlit scene. I quickly cast a spell to grant me the power to see in the dark and then floated up to have a look.

The palace was massive and surrounded by a massive concrete wall that looked to be rather unstable. I slowly drifted back down and made my way towards it being careful not to be too loud.

When I finally made it I was greeted by a small girl, who took one look at my mark and led me towards what seemed to be the ballroom where all the people on the village had made refuge.

As soon as I set foot in the hall everybody silenced and looked at me. It was so quiet I could almost here them blink and I was about to say something when an elderly man arose and limped towards me.

"Hello Fairy Tail member, you have arrived very early seeing that you had to make such a long journey. Please refresh yourself whilst we talk about this request."

I was led to a table where a bowl of porridge and a glass of water were placed in front of me, I smiled slowly and then motioned for the man to continue.

"Our kingdom is on the verge of collapsing, and it has been for quite a while. The royal family spent far too much money on parties and not enough on us, so a resident witch who has now disappeared cast a spell on our loving king to turn him into a beast and then created 99 more out of townsfolk."

I looked at him, "how do you expect me to turn them back?"

He smiled and produce a small bottle filled with leaves of some kind, "you will need to knock out, not kill, all 100 of the beasts and crush one leaf into their mouth. They will turn back to normal soon after."

I nodded slowly and grabbing the bottle I found a spare mattress in the corner of the room and fell asleep, the bottle tucked safely in my arms.

- 3rd POV -

The sound of banging and crushing awoke most of the town people including the jet black haired fairy tail Mage. A baby began to bawl as its mother desperately tried to soothe it, and an old lady began to sob.

The Mage slowly stood, dusted herself off and grabbed a bottle full of leaves. Then without a word she slunk out of the hall to complete her quest.

The night still clung to the sky although the sunrise had already begun giving enough light for the monsters that swarmed the wall to be visible.

Fuyu quickly turned herself invisible and then looked at the beasts trying to evaluate which approach would be easiest in successfully knocking them out.

Suddenly the female Mage became visible again and stood in front of the beasts waiting for them to approach, and they did.

The monsters all charged at her but Fuyu simply stood there waiting for the first to get writhing range where she leapt into the air and knocked it out with a fist to the neck.

She continued this process, with each one. Leaping from beast to beat knocking them out with one hit until she landed on the floor, surrounded by monsters.

Then opening the bottle and holding it up to the skies she cast a quick spell an watch each leaf disappear down the throat of each monster.

There was a tremendous roar and the largest by far of all the monsters appeared out of nowhere and began a frantic charge towards Fuyu.

Fuyu lowered herself watching and waiting until the beast was in the perfect position and then she leapt and clung onto the front right leg where she placed a firm kick in the side of its knee causing one leg to buckle, she continued on all four legs until the beast could no longer move.

The wind suddenly picked up and surrounded all the monsters in hurricane like winds. Then as it calmed 100 men were left lying on the ground and one witch was left trembling as she watched the Mage approach her.

"You are the reason us mages get bad names, witch."

"You are no Mage, you are a myth. A legend. You should not exist you, you it cannot be possible. It should not be possible. If anyone is the true monster it would be the Imitator."

I glared holes into her, "what would you know of the imitator?"

"The imitator has a black souls reflected in her pitch black hair, she may have the power to use anyone's magic but she prefers sheer strength. The imitator cannot die unless killed and the imitator is standing in front the of me."

"Silence witch. The punishment for your crime would be burning but I thought of something better."

Fuyu placed her hands in front of her and facing the witch she muttered a few words and suddenly her veins began to pulse with a dark glowing liquid and the witch slowly began to collapse.

Then when she was done Fuyu dusted her hands and with a swish of her cape she left, without the reward or thanks of the people.

Fuyu had completed what she had been sent there to do and that was all.


Updates every other day.

It might get a bit messed up due to the fact that I'm on holiday.

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