Chapter 12

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I had no doubts that Braxton would start questioning my feelings for him. I laughed as Mandi told me the whole story of what happened.

After we hung up I called Braxton, to see if he was any better.

His voice sounded so good to me. If I closed my eyes I could picture his eyes, his facial expressions as he talked, his hand, not holding his phone, would be going a mile a minute.

He is probably lying across the sofa in his room, with one leg on the sofa and one on the table that sits in front of it. He would be all leaned back against the armrest with  no shirt, no shoes, just his favorite shorts, that really look like they deserve to be in the trash, and some snack in his lap... he really does eat all of the time, and stays so fit, makes me sick.

"Heeey Braxton..."

I had a smile on my face, because if this worked, he would be a lot better now.

"Hey Baby, I miss you even more now. Why didn't you ever tell me some of these things that you wrote about me?"

Well I didn't expect that question...

"Are you there Addy"   I was trying to think of how to put it.

"I am here; I guess the biggest reason is because I didn't think you felt the same way. I was terrified if I told you I would lose you."

Now the silence was returned.

"I wish I would have told you Addyson, years ago. I just sort of thought you knew. I mean I don't treat anyone else the way I treat you, and sure, I said I loved you like a sister, but no body loves there sister that much... do they?" 

I laughed, it was almost like he quoted my own thoughts... or maybe I had written that in there and he really was.

"I did think about that sometimes. But I always thought I was reading too far into things."

"I do miss you Braxton and I want to talk to you so bad, but I have to go right now, I promise we will talk tonight as long as we can, until we fall asleep.... okay?... please don't be angry." 

I prayed he didn't ask why because I have to go to the post office today and pick up my passport for London. My appointment is in less than two weeks and the passport is all I lack. I have to leave now; they are going to close before I can get there.

"Okay, Ill talk to you tonight, I love you, Bye."

"I love you too....Bye."


I had almost hung up when I heard my name again.

"Yea, I'm here."

"I never asked you officially.... will you belong to me?"

I guess he meant will I be his girlfriend, really?  He had to ask? My heart melted as if he had just proposed marriage or something...

"Braxton I have always belonged to you."


I barely made it to the post office in time. I walked in and waited in line. I guess everyone waited until the last minute today. They were closing in three minutes and the line was all the way to the door.

The line was moving quickly.

"What do you need?" The man behind the counter did not want to be there. Or maybe he just didn't want ME to be there.  But I have noticed since I have been in New York, most people just wasn't that friendly. 

"My name is Addyson Michaels; I am here to pick up my passport."  The man rolled his eyes at me and walked off. Like I had just asked him to walk to Canada and get me something.

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