Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to DeeDee Wright

This is it. This is my last full day in the Carolina's for 10 whole months. I can honestly say I wish I would have never done this now. Things are finally back to normal with Mandi, and, well, no; things are still screwed up with Braxton.

But today, today is going to be great. I just found out I am spending the day with Brax and Mandi.

Surprise, I hate surprises. That means I am going to be the center of attention. I am not good with that.

We, Braxton and I, are going towards Mandi's house, obviously to pick her up.

"Give me a hint Brax, come on, you know I hate surprises." I was looking out of the window at this beautiful day.

"I can't do it Addy, I promised I wouldn't tell you" He quickly glimpsed at me with a smile on his face.

"I am just really glad that I could be a part of this today." He pulled into Mandi's drive way and parked.

"I am going to miss you Addy, Hell I already miss you, and it feels like you’re already gone sometimes." He was facing me allowing me to lose myself in his eyes.

He waited for a response, he deserved a response, and after a long moment he put his head down and laughed shaking his head. 

I didn't know what to say. I noticed my hands were shaking.

"I guess you don't miss me huh Addy... will you miss me at all?" His voice was shaky.

"Hi guys, are you ready to go?" Neither of us had noticed Mandi walking up to the car.

I almost jumped slam out of my skin. I had been so bewitched by his gaze, nothing else in the world mattered.

Braxton sat straight up and looked out of his window, obviously disgusted.

I pulled myself out of the car, which as you know, is a feat for me sometimes.

"Do you want to sit in the front or the back" I asked to be nice, I would have a hell of a time getting in the back seat of that car, and can not imagine what it would be like getting out, but it's rude not to offer.

Before Mandi had a chance to reply Brax spoke up.

"I am not trying to be rude or mean in anyway, but I want you to sit in the front with me Addy, its just... it's just were you belong you know?" He smiled so sweetly at Mandi, he could have said he was going to kill her dog and she would have agreed.

Mandi jumped into the back with ease. I flopped back into the front, and shut the door.

At first the trip was silent. I could tell Mandi was a little uneasy.

Brax looked into the rear view mirror at her. I think he was feeling bad for telling her to sit back there.

"Mandi, you look beautiful today. I wanted you to know by the way, your eyes are as unique as mine, they are really beautiful."

Well so much for the "no more blushing" I had mentioned last night by the pool!

"Thank you so much Braxton."  The tension was completely gone and she had a huge smile plastered on her face.

Brax looked at me and grinned. I smiled back at him very happy with his compliment. After all, it was what he really thought, it's not like he lied to her to make her feel good about herself. It was totally the truth. I thought she needed to hear it.

I reached up and turned the radio on. A song that we all knew was playing, Gary Allen- Songs about Rain- we all sang it, very loud, and absolutely none of us was good at singing, but we all three enjoyed it.

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