Chapter 10

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New York

New York is nothing like North Carolina. Everyone has some place to be, and apparently, they are all late! There are more people on the street corner, waiting to cross the street, than the whole town I live in.

We have cabs in North Carolina, but I have never seen this many on one street...ever. Aunt Mae hailed one with a professional sounding whistle; I have to say it was kind of impressive.

"Come on Addy, move it!" Aunt Mae was almost in a dead run, trying to throw all of our bags in the back of the cab, like if we didn't hurry up, someone was going to jump in and it was going to take off.

Aunt Mae jumped in on the passenger's side in the back seat, and crawled as fast as she could behind the driver. I jumped in and slammed the door.

Apparently we had taken too long, or either the cab driver had some place to be, he floored it so hard and fast, my back went into the seat.

"You better hold onto the..."  Aunt Mae was trying to warn me to hold onto the hand grip above the window like she was... too late.

He slammed on his brakes, at a red light, and I flew into the back of the passenger's seat in front of me.

The driver turned his head and looked me dead in the eye. He rolled his eyes with a look of utter disgust, and mumbled something in another language.

I turned beet red and pushed my self back into the seat. I looked at Aunt Mae, she was laughing. I grabbed the handle and held on for dear life, hell I didn't think it was too flippin funny at all, I was scared.

At the house, Aunt Mae paid the speed demon, and started unloading the trunk. I was grabbing luggage as fast as she was throwing it at me. The trunk barley clicked shut when the cab driver took off again leaving black skid marks on the road behind him.

"Wow" I said really to myself

"You get use to it girl. It took me awhile but you really do get use to, and now, to me, New York is the only place to live!"

Aunt Mae had lived here for almost 15 years now. She came here with her fiancé. He worked here and his job was very important to him. Apparently his Secretary was more than his actual job. Two years after she dropped her family, her job, her whole life to live here with him. He left her for his much younger Secretary. She has never allowed herself to love again.

Aunt Mae is my dad’s younger sister. They look so much alike, and act as though they are from totally different universes. Mae is laid back and seems to be carefree. She is content in the life she leads and has more money than she knows what to do with. Dad on the other hand is always trying to move up the ladder. He will not be happy until he is at the top of the food chain. Which, I guess there is nothing wrong with that. Mom and dad are very comfortable, but far from rich. 

Other than desperately missing Braxton and Mandi, this should be a lot of fun.

When we walked in the front door of Mae's house she literally slung the luggage onto the floor in the foyer.

"Come on lets go check out your room" To be her age, she was very energetic and gets excited about every thing. You can't help but be cheerful around her.

When I stepped into my new home for the next 10 months, it wasn't the same room I had stayed in last time.

She had redecorated the whole room. Not that there was anything wrong with it before. It was covered in a southern country floral theme. It was pretty... just old.

Now I had a king sized water bed, a laptop, a TV, bean bag chairs, and really cool modern art sculptures all around. The whole room was decked out in loud vibrant colors. I loved this. It was like something you would see on TV.

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