Chapter 5

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Braxton’s (POV)

I wanted to run after her. I wanted to comfort her and ask her the many questions running through my scrambled brain.

I stood over Josh, with his embarrassed face, and punk attitude. Who was he to judge her? He has braces, but not just normal metal braces, with little rubber-bands on them. He had these huge rubber-bands that seemed to be connected from his top jaw to the bottom. When he talked his mouth would snap open and shut like a robot. He was so self conscious about them he has learned how to talk with his teeth clenched shut almost all of the time. To him it seems more normal... to every one else it’s the freakiest damn thing ever.

It's something Josh can’t help, his braces, or whatever the hell that is, something he has no control over. If he didn’t have that contraption in his mouth, he would be walking around with an overbite from Hades. Something Josh CAN help.... his asshole attitude. I have no pity for him.

Pity... All of the tearful words that Addy had basically screamed at me came rolling back into my brain.

I looked around, still standing over Josh. I glared at him. I bent down eye level with him, giving him no choice but to make eye contact with me. Like most, he was more uncomfortable now, more than when I had my fist ready to bash in his face. I guess sometimes my freakish eyes were a benefit.

"The next time you say something hateful, cruel, or mean to Addy, I will beat your face in. Do not look at her, do not think about her, do not talk to your scum bag friends about her... She is a better person than you will ever be."

I pushed off of his desk with both of my hands; my mind was already back to everything Addy had said before she left. I wanted to go after her... I walked back to my desk and sat down, trying so hard to separate my thoughts.

"I apologize Mr. Soesbee, I am really sorry for the interruption." I had a great amount of respect for Mr. Soesbee; he is also the football coach and has been after me for a few years to play.

I have taken his weight lifting class for the last three years, counting this year, and I will admit I have considered playing football. I just do not want to be like them. Most of them are the cruelest people in the school. After watching the horrible things they have said and done to Addy, it's hard to even be associated with them. It's not just Addy, it's every person, male or female, in this school that they think deserves to be picked on. I am sure they have talked about my freak eyes, but never to my face. 

I would want Addy to come watch me play... I know that will never happen.

Mr. Soesbee smiled at me and nodded as if to say, hey he deserved it but said, "Open your books to page 15" his words trailed off in my mind. I couldn't focus on anything but what had just happened.

It hurts me more than she will ever know that she thinks I am her friend out of pity. "Pity for the fat girl" she had said. I am almost 17 years old. I make my own decisions, and couldn't give a rat’s ass what anybody thinks about it. I am proud to be her friend. If anyone else would take the time to know her, they would love her too.

I smiled to myself thinking about her words. I couldn't help it. I wish she would have talked to me at home about this. I would rather her not have been so upset, that breaks me. She thinks I am the sexiest boy in school? She has never said anything to me about thinking that. She thinks I don't go out and do more things, out of pity for her... I stay with her because I would rather be with her than any other person in this school.

Addy is quick witted and can be funny as hell. When she laughs its contagious, you can't help but join in. She will do anything to help a person; all you have to do is let her know your problem. She loves to play in the rain, and still at 16 years old will make a mud pie.  She is so smart and hungers for knowledge; she loves to read and knows a huge array of useless information, and when she paints, when she paints its amazing. She can capture the emotion of a scene. It’s like looking through her eyes, how she sees the image in front of you. She makes everything beautiful... Just a few things these complete morons could know about her if they would give her a chance.

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