Chapter 3

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Braxton's POV

When Addy never came out to the car this morning I decided to go knock on the door before I was late for the first day of school.

"Hey Mrs. Michael's, I have been waiting on Addy, do you mind if I go see if she is ready?" I knew she was going to tell me she wasn't here before she answered me.

"Well Braxton, she told her father and me that she had to be at school early this morning and you didn't want to go that early... so her dad took her. They left about a half hour ago...I'm sorry."  Mrs. Michaels was dressed for work, and obviously about to leave as well. She locked the door, shut it, and walked down the steps with me.

I am not going to lie, I am confused as hell, and I am just hurt. This is not like Addy. We have had maybe two fights in our whole lives, and she did throw the silent treatment on me, but it didn't last but about three hours.

"Thanks Mrs. Michaels I will catch up with her at school." I tried to smile at her. I could see the confusion on her face. I wanted to say, yea me too. But I didn't. I just got in my car and headed to school.

Addyson is like a sister to me. She really is my best friend. She knows me better than anyone else does. And until four days ago I thought I knew her. I have replayed the last day I was with her in my head over and over again. Other than not stopping by Mandi's, I can't think of anything I could have done to her. Nothing I said, this just doesn't make ends meet.

I pulled into the school parking lot fifteen minutes later. I have to be close to the last one here. Now I don’t have time to try to find Addy. I will have to go to homeroom straight away. 

When I walked in I was greeted by a few of my friends, Mandi is here, Dom, and Tony are in here too. No Addy. I don't even know if I have any classes with her this year.

The teacher came in and greeted us all, took roll, and said we had fifteen minutes to chat with each other before 1st period. I stood up and walked over to Mandi. I bent down beside her desk, so that we would be closer to eye level, and our conversation could be semi private.

I couldn’t help but grin, I noticed her face turn a bright red color. She has had a crush on me for a long time. Mandi is a really sweet girl. She is pretty too. I love her eyes. But I only meant to be friends with her.

"Have you seen Addy?" I tried to hide my concern. My voice failed me.

"Yea I spent the day with her Sunday. I went over to her house and had dinner with her. She showed me around her house. She really has an awesome room, well mini house really." She wouldn't look into my eyes anymore. My freaky blue eyes had that effect on some people... on most people really.

"Sunday, did she say anything about me?"

I can honestly say I was scared to hear her response. I am not sure of what the hell I did, but it was bad, really bad this time.

"Yea she talked about you... a lot actually. But I can't tell you what she said... I'm really sorry." she looked into my eyes and quickly pulled her attention back to her desk.

"Please Mandi; I just want to know what I have done to her. Can you tell me that?" I pleaded, and wasn't trying to hide it.

"Oh no, you didn't do anything to her. You have done nothing wrong Brax. She said you wouldn't understand, and it's all her fault... but that's about all I can say. But I promise she isn't mad at you in the least... as a matter of fact... I know she misses you." 

I thought I saw a tear form in her eyes, and was about to ask her what was the matter, when the bell rang, telling us it was time for first period.

"Thanks Mandi, when you talk to her again... tell her I am begging her to just call me or text me."

For some reason I don't feel ashamed, or embarrassed at all about begging her. I mean I am a guy; most guys wouldn't do that....right?

I walked to my desk, grabbed my backpack, and took off to the water fountain down the hall. That is where she is supposed to be, waiting on me.

People do not dare pick on her in front of me. I have beat up a few boys for doing it, and told off several girls for it.  I can't stand it, its not even Addy's fault; she eats better than I do. I don't think she will admit it, but I think she is embarrassed to eat in front of me. Not just me either, I mean anyone at all, minus maybe her parents.

Over the years, I have been around Addy so much for so long, I can see past the weight; to what she is suppose to look like. I see her honey yellow and brown eyes, they seem to look through me. In hers I can see the real Addy. She is funny, and caring, loving, and passionate; sometimes she is wild and crazy. She is so brave. I look into her eyes and she makes me want to be a good man. I want to protect her from all the ass holes around her. I want to listen to her when she needs to talk, and hug her when she needs to cry. I want to be her best friend. 

We have never gone this long without talking to each other...ever. I don't see her everyday, especially in the summer. We both go on vacations with our families but we always text, even if it's just to say good morning, or good night, but never over a few hours.

I was almost to the water fountain when Carri Richards stopped me.

"Braxton how was your summer? I sent you an invitation to my summer bash, I was really hoping you would show up," she squealed at me.

She had her hand rubbing all over my chest. I felt abused for a second. I grabbed her wrist lightly to stop her.

"Hey Carri; yea sorry about that, But Addyson's must have been lost in the mail, because she didn’t get one. So I took her to a movie that night." she would not look into my damn eyes. I hate my eyes. They are so freakish, people never hold a real conversation with me, it’s usually with my forehead or my lips, and some people will even look away all together. Except Addy, she says God gave me these eyes to be unique. She will stare into my eyes like she can see my soul. She is not scared of me, or intimidated. I think she likes them. Besides my mom, she is the only other person. My dad will not even look into them.

Carri's voice turned low, snapping me back to the moment. "No, it didn't get lost, I didn't send her one. She wasn't invited. I only invite my friends and SHE is NOT MY friend." she tried her best to look into my eyes for more than a millisecond.

Disgusted I replied "Then neither am I" as cold as I could.

Carri had no problems staring into my back; I could feel her gaze like hot daggers.

 As I walked off towards the water fountain.

Addy wasn’t there. She WILL talk to me. I will find her and she is going to give me an explanation.

I walked back the way I had come from, back to my own class. I am blazing mad, and I know I wasn't hiding it well. Between Carri and her dumb ass, and Addy not being there waiting on me I am furious.

My heart broke thinking about how many people might have picked on her. Do people not think that if she could help it, that she would? Do people think that she wants to be overweight and tortured every single day? It’s the same with freckles, and glasses, braces, and birthmarks, its things people can’t change. For those people who are overweight because of their eating habits, I am sure if they had their choice, they wouldn't have the problem. Nobody is perfect; look at me and my freakish eyes.

What amazes me the most about Addy- she never calls any of them names back. She could easily find an imperfection with every single person that picks on her. Like Carri and her oddly shaped ears. They look like saucer plates. She could put 16 earrings in one of those ears. But Addy never says a word.

I hope I catch her at lunch, I have a bad feeling she will not be at any of our meeting spots.

I walked into English Lit with only one thing on my mind, finding Addyson.

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