My Demon Captor

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      Chapter 1

I was on my way to second period when my name was called on the announcements, I sighed and rolled my eyes. "The hell'd I do this time." I growled, changeing direction so that I was walking to the headmasters office.

Once I had arrived the headmaster opened the door and pulled me in. "Don't worry you did nothing wrong but-" He started, but I cut him off with a growl.

"But what?! The hell am I here for If I ain't in trouble???!!! HUH, WHAT!!!!???" I spat out venomously, slamming my hands down, hard, on his desk. I took a deep breath and stood bolt upright, as tense as possible.

The headmaster sighed and re-organised his desk, and spoke. "We are letting you out of school early because we know your not going to learn anything anyways. And besides all you do is get into fights or fall asleep in every class but english. I mean honestly do you really think that going to school is going to change the fact that you are socially awkward?" He pulled out an elastic and tied his mid-back, length, dark brown hair into a ponytail leaving the shorter locks of hair to hang over his forehead.

I let out a low growl and whipped around, walking out the door. "I've had just about enough of you insulting me, and acting like you know absolutely everything about me because you most certainly do not!" I growled slamming the door shut behind me.

I walked out the front door, my bulky, black and white backpack slung over one shoulder as I walked home. I crossed a street and then another, and before I knew it I was infront of my house.

I unlocked the front door and went inside. I looked around a bit and found that my short, dusty black top hat was nowhere to be found. "What the...." I whispered, not noticeing the tall silver haired sixteen year old behind me.

He quickly placed a blindfold over my eyes and tied my hands together behind my back, he lifted me off the ground, opened the door, and ran at an unhuman speed to a destination unknown. He leaned closer to me, and whispered into my ear in a hushed tone. "Your excedingly quiet, do I not frighten you?"

I answered his question with a simple yet threatening growl and a statement of my own. "No you do not frighten me but I'd appreciate it if you would untie the damn rope thats around my wrists!" I felt a surge of anger flow through my body, and I pushed off of his chest with my feet, I landed hard on the ground. Blood began to poor from a small cut I had gotten earlier this week, I stood and bent down pulling my arms under my feet so that they were infront of me, I reached up and pulled the blindfold off throwing it to the ground.

I felt the air leave my lungs when the same guy who had taken me hostage tackled me to the ground, he lifted my arms above my head and pinned them on the ground with one hand. He smirked and stuck his toung out licking the blood off of my cheek. "It is that kind of reckless behaviour that could get you killed." He said non-chelauntly, His blood red eyes glowing dimly.

I grinned slyly and spat in his face, I then pressed my hands against his chest shoving him a few feet away, I stood and untied the ropes with my teeth. "And that'll teach you to tackle the leader of the girls wrestleing team!" I snarled walking in the direction of my house.

He stood and glared at me, he ran up to me at top speed lifted me up and forced himself to run faster. "Heh...girls wrestleing team or not your comeing with me." He stated as we reached a large house, he walked to the door holding me tightly while I struggled, He reached out with one hand and turned the door handle.

Big mistake!

I pushed away from him and began to run as fast as I could. I bumped into someone and looked up to find a group of guys that looked like they were around the silver haired guys age, some had black hair, some had silver hair and some had blood red hair.

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