Never Become An Adult

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Yes, I understand that you cannot prevent ageing physically (shut up Terry Dubrow!) however your mental age is completely your choice and if you ask my advice I'd say be a child as much as possible!! (within reason, they're are definitely moments where your wise head has to be worn)

So as I mentioned earlier I'm currently 17 years old that means I'm one year away from being legally classed as an adult...yet there's nothing I enjoy more than getting lost in a Disney/Pixar film or playing Mario Kart. I decided to embrace it. I have two older sisters one 20 years old and the other 18, they decided to grow up mentally and honestly they are the most miserable and boring I've ever seen them. When you grow up you're expected to leave behind your creative/reckless self and deal with bills, taxes and all the other tasks that glue together your shitty adult life.

Your mood is largely based on two factors, the company you keep and your environment. If you live in a beautiful suburban area watching the stars every night but fail to keep relationships of any kind for a long period of time, life can quickly become very isolated and boring. In contrast, if you keep a big circle of good friends but your surroundings are a bad influence you could find growing up just as tricky. You can't always choose where you grow up but you can choose friends which is amazing - they're like disposable family members, when you're bored with them they go home. Yay friendship!

I guess what I'm trying to say is if you don't smile at least once a day you are too far into adult life. There are so many things to laugh and smile at. For example: food, jokes, stupidity and possibly the easiest...just look in the mirror see how are ugly you are, that always makes me laugh. Like woah did I really look like that today!? I'd like to formally apologise to everyone who saw me and the eye surgery is on me!

YAY, boosting self esteem!

Yes, go and get a job, yes, learn to drive, yes start a family but always keep your immature side in there somewhere. Laugh everyday, climb that tree goddamnit! Be spontaneous and do something wild. You only have one life (yes, this is me trying desperately not to use the popular acronym) and you don't want it to be wasted stressing over what's not important in the long term.

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