A Gentle Womanizer and an Otaku!?

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Having moderate success with her magic shows made Mana more excited about her ninja life, she started to train more, exercise both her physical state and meditate to improve her mental state and to better understand her body. The magician was a prodigy at meditation, ever since her mind managed to defeat her own sickness from back when Mana was even younger. From what the girl had heard her mother say, mother was not from Konoha originally, so when she settled down with dad and when Mana was born the two were crushed when they found out their baby had a rare mental disorder.

As a young child, the Nakotsumi kid had the disorder that prevented her from understanding facts and relating them to a process. She could see the stars in the sky but she could never understand how they worked even if she was directly told that the kid just couldn't relate the explanation with the actual process being explained. It was a disorder that made people into outcasts and they lived short lives as they had few friends and failure to understand basic everyday science made them extremely prone to unfortunate accidents. The parents did their best to help Mana, they weren't too rich or anything so they could only talk to the kid and try to make it easier for her but nothing really worked.

One day the two spat out whatever they were drinking when they heard the girl playing with toys and other children outside, they ran out to ask Mana how was that possible because usually those plagued by the disorder could not play with toys and imitate real-life scenarios because they simply lacked understanding how they worked which made it difficult and the girl just told them that she knew how things worked - magic made everything work. As the girl then spoke with her peers she was told of ninja, people that risked their lives to protect lives of everyone and someone everyone admired. To the four-year-old Mana, these ninja were champions of magic, enforcers of magical will. Mana herself wanted to be a ninja but her mental disorder made it impossible.

Despite their best attempts to talk Mana out of the idea to be a ninja her parents still enrolled her into the Academy when she was six, they figured that eventually, their daughter would quit when she found her dream life to be unattainable. They were right - Mana absolutely bombed every test and failed at everything, her sensei in the Academy, however, took a liking to her, he wondered if this was Mana's lack of skill or her disorder that prevented her from succeeding and he taught the kid how to meditate, focus on one's own mind and work things out when they became too confusing. That was the breakthrough the kid needed, just a couple of years later Mana managed to completely overcome her mental disorder and for the first time managed to think like an ordinary kid, she still kept clinging to her ideals of all life being magical but she did finally realize that magic didn't exist, she made it up to explain things she didn't understand.

Still, magic made everything so beautiful, so perfect, considering all life magical made the kid appreciate it more, knowing how it worked sort of made Mana feel empty and feel like life was pointless. So just out of respect for her old ways the girl still upheld her beliefs of magic being sacred, chakra being magical in nature and that those with the exceptional gift to manipulate chakra were champions of magic with the duty to protect those that could not. After all of that, the young Mana managed to graduate Academy with average grades, the test she took was weird due to her refusing to use any Academy techniques because they "weren't hers". That story was for another day as the magician kept pushing those memories away.

Finally, after a short while meditating and training every day the moment that the girl waited for came - the Nakotsumi household received a letter which informed Mana that her team was assembled and that all the newly made genin were to be sorted out into teams the next day. The letter had in it the time and place where the girl needed to come, it didn't really tell her about who exactly was on her team. Not that the girl would've known those people if she was told that, she wasn't too popular in the Academy because most kids considered her "weird" and since she rarely got a perfect grade she wasn't one of those "cool kids" that aced everything from calculation classes to physical exercises.

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