Phantoms and Sirens?

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Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

Here goes another "short" one-shot. I know I'm writing a lot of them but I am getting ideas and simply have to write them down. I trust you enjoy them very much. This one is....well....weird.




It was always supposed that Erik's siren was him, singing underwater. What if it wasn't? What if it was a real siren who's life Erik had saved and who had fallen in love with him?


Twenty years, twenty long tortuous years beneath the earth in a lake which had never seen any more light than the light her master's lamp cast upon it.

She was born to the sparkling blue water of the ocean. She longed to feel the currents through her dark hair again. To feel the fish as they swam past her and light caress of the seaweed as she weaved her way through it.

The cool blue waters were her home. The home she hadn't seen in so long. The dark lake was a prison for her. Her only company were the unpleasant catfish who didn't much like her. After all, her master didn't come see her often. They spoke but rarely.

Deep down she knew she could leave at any time she wanted. Her master didn't keep her bond her by any physical chains. She could abandon him for her beautiful seas and crystal waters but deep down, she knew she couldn't. Something stronger than physical bonds held her to him.

For, the siren loved the Phantom of the Opera.

Erik slammed his hands down on the piano and growled. It was going on twenty years of being alone beneath the Opera House. The music was starting to fail him now. It never had done that! What am I going to do without it?! How can I live without my music!? It is the only lover I've ever known...

He stalked away from his piano, knowing if he looked at Don Juan Triumphant once more he would truly go mad.

His feet led him outside his home and his keen eyes looked over the dark waters of his lake. Soon, he caught the sight of a large dark tale splashing the water. He thought about turning away but then he heard her begin to sing. It wasn't a song to lure unwanted "guests" to their death. No, it was a pretty song she had composed, she said, for a friend.

He took a seat on the edge of the lake and listened. It was soothing to his nerves. He needed some soothing right now. For once, he was actually seeking the company of the woman who had stuck to him the longest of all.

The siren swam closer until she was in the shallows. As she dallied there he couldn't help but find himself locking his eyes with hers. They were a sea green. Sometimes it crossed his mind why she stayed. She was obviously a creature who enjoyed the light and life of clear water. But, no, she stayed in the dark far beneath the earth with him. A monster.

"Siren," It was at that moment it hit him he hadn't ever asked her name. "Siren, would you object to keeping me company for a while?" She will surely say no. After all, what right have I to seek her company after twenty years of my abandonment? He looked at her and she softly smiled as she moved closer.

Waving a hand lightly over the rocks, she made the sharp rocks into smooth pebbles and situated herself so her torso and head were out of the water but her tail was still in it. It moved around lazily as she just looked at him.

He watched her tail and couldn't think of anything to say. Those sea green eyes just staring at him weren't helping any. Suddenly, he thought of something.

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