Chapter 6

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I smiled slightly as the scent of fresh made chocolate cupcakes filled the air. The temptation to eat one of these was great as the rumbling of my stomach reminded me that I haven't eaten all morning. But I couldn't. I had to remind myself that these were for a customer. My two weeks of vacationing time were now up and it was time for me to get back to my pastry business which meant less free time for me. I picked up my pastry bag filled with blue icing and preceded to make 100 different monster faces based on the characters of the movie "Monsters Inc". Usually I would be ecstatic to make such a large amount of cupcakes but since I was going through period of food deprivation to meet the 11:30 deadline this morning ,I was less than happy.

"Damn, those are a lot of cupcakes!" I looked up at the sound of the familiar voice to see none other than my sister.

"Tell me again why this friend of yours needs 100 cupcakes " I asked her, becoming a wee bit annoyed as I realized that I'm not even halfway to 100.

"He's having a birthday party for his son" she said admiring the cupcakes before me. "These look so yummy Louisa!"

A small chuckle escaped my lips as I continued.

"So he didn't know he needed 100 cupcakes until yesterday? You know if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be doing this right now" I said to her, glancing at her for a second. She pouted her lips then rubbed my shoulder in a comforting way.

" I know hunny but just please do this for me. He's a close friend of Pique's and it would really meant the world to us if you did this this. And plus he said he had to try out your pastries after Gerard practically bragged about how good of a baker you are. He actually cancelled his order at a different bakery! " I sighed loudly as I finally decorated my 25th cupcake. 25 down,75 to go.

" He still could've given me more time to do this. I don't like to rush these things, especially such a large order."

Shakira patted my back and gave me a warm small.

"Don't worry, I'll be warning him. Now I've got to go get Milan ready for the party and buy the little guy a present" I nodded my head then continued working until what she said hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Wait! It's a kids party?" I asked, putting the pastry bag down. She nodded her head and smiled.

"That's why it's a Monsters Inc theme, duh" she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world before she rushed out of the kitchen. I shook my head still in disbelief. Why in the world would you need 100 cupcakes for a kids party? I looked at the time to see that I still had and hour and half left.

I continued working as the time flew by. Before I knew it , I had decorated and packages 100 cupcakes with 20 minutes to spare before the client came. I quickly walked out of the kitchen and was greeted by one of my workers.

"Hola boss" she said smiling at me. I gave her a quick smile back"

ChainsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora