Chapter 18

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 I'd like to consider myself as the master of avoiding people. This useful gift was passed down to me by my brother who skilfully avoided all his chores as a child without facing the consequences of his actions. However, I've never had to use my skills on someone as determined as Maluma. For the past few days my phone has been ringing non-stop. At every lunch break I would be greeted by an employee who said that he was here to see me ,forcing me to escape out the back door. Let's not even get into the many times he had visited the house requesting to see me. He would pop up at unusual times and I had managed to avoid him. 

However, it didn't take long for my luck to run out.I went to a local sandwich shop for my lunch break but as fate would have it, I had bumped into the one person I didn't want to see. I could feel the colour drain from my face as he held on to my shoulders to keep me from running away.

"Why exactly are you playing hide and seek with me, Louisa?" he asked. His tone was harsh which caught me off guard but I didn't say anything. My eyes fell on everything except his face. When I didn't respond, he released a loud sigh.

"What did do I wrong? At least tell me that" he said in a softer tone. I knitted my brows together as I finally looked at him. Was he really serious? The fact that he didn't even know meant that he didn't even find anything wrong with blowing me off for Belinda. Obviously, I was stuck with more feelings for him than he had for me. Or was I just overreacting again?

"Nothing" I stated, trying to sound  convincing so as to end this conversation quickly. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the sound of a female voice.

"Ready to go?" the voice said as she approached us with food in her hands and stood by Maluma's side. It took less than a second for me to realize who that was. I quickly took the opportunity to come out of Maluma's grasp and made my way to the cashier. My first instinct was to just storm  out of the shop but the harsh growls of my stomach didn't allow me too. As I stood in line I turned around just in time to see them leaving. A small sigh of relief escaped my lips as I wasn't in the mood for anymore confrontations with them.

It didn't take long for me to receive my food which made my stomach really happy. I took a seat at one of the tables in the shop and began to devour my heavenly sandwich. The taste of the food made me applaud myself for not leaving as I would've missed out on a lovely BLT. 

After  running into Maluma, I had decided to finally check my phone. I sadly hadn't done this since the night I went to the club which makes it three days since I had used it. It was all a part of my brilliant idea to avoid the guy i sadly just ran into. I scrolled through and deleted all the missed calls and messages I had received from him until my eyes fell upon two messages from an unknown number. The first one had a short "miss me yet?" which made me raise my eyebrows in confusion. The last one was sent a few hours after the first one and read " where art thou,my cinderella?" 

My confusion was soon replaced by a small smile. I quickly  responded by apologizing about my absence since it took almost two days for me to reply. I threw away my rubbish and headed outside towards my car. As I got inside, the familiar sound of my ringtone greeted my ears. I quickly answered the unknown call knowing exactly who it was.

"Hello" I greeted as I placed my seat-belt on.

"Wow she's alive" Zayn said which was followed by a light chuckle. A small smile tugged at my lips.

"Sorry about that. I was only trying to avoid somebody" I apologized once more so he didn't think I was ignoring his messages on purpose.

"Was the someone me? I knew you considered me a one night stand" He said dramatically with a hint of playfulness in his tone. 

"We would've had to do something sexual for it to be a one night stand , Zayn" I said, letting out a soft chuckle.

"That can be arranged" I could almost picture him smirking as he did a lot of that when we first met. I rolled my eyes playfully even though he couldn't see it.

"In your dreams" I replied as I turned the engine on, getting ready to leave.

"Every night,babe ".

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