Chapter 17

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The loud music flowed through the air, wrapping itself around everyone on the dance floor. I watched as random bodies intertwined, grinding to the beat of the music. Even I couldn't resist nodding my head and tapping my thighs to the beat. Every now and again I would see Shakira signalling me to come over and dance with them but thirdwheeling wasn't for me.I couldn't bring myself to disrupt her dance with Gerard just because I was dateless.I had asked Maluma if he wanted to come with me but he declined as he had plans with Belinda for tonight. Out of jealousy,stubbornness and my knack for overreacting, I had ignored all his calls since the rejection. It probably wasn't the best thing to do but talking to him again would've just added more fuel to the raging fire within me. 

To my surprise, even Neymar  was going at it with his date on the dance floor.Yes his date.He introduced us to her earlier which caused Shakira's hopes for a proper reconciliation between us to shatter.I watched as they moved to the beat of the music as they embraced each other. Their hips moving against each other seductively as the tempo slowed down. I watched as she wrapped her self around him even closer as he planted a kiss on her lips. Wait,what? Had I really just witness that? What made me even more surprised was my reaction towards the whole situation. Why was jealousy written all over my face? Why was it as painful to watch as a nail running through your foot? 

For a split second his gaze met mine and a hint of regret filled his eyes. I quickly turned around to face the bartender and ordered a margarita.To be honest, I wasn't planning on drinking tonight but seeing as how the night was a disaster , it was the only thing I had to look forward to.I was about to pay for my drink when a credit card was handed to the bartender.

"I'll cover it. Get me a gin while your at it too" 

The bartender nodded his head to the unfamiliar voice then made his way to get the drink. My curiosity got the better of me so I turned around to see the stranger who had payed for my drink. To my surprise, his dark brown eyes were staring back at me. A small smile etched at his lips.

"You didn't have to do that you know,but thank you" I said, politely as I refrained from 'checking him out'. Its not that I wouldn't have  liked to glimpse all his assets but doing that in a club like this would most definitely send the wrong message.

"What kind of guy would I be if I let a beautiful lady pay for her own drinks?" he replied, sitting down at the once vacant seat beside me. I gave him a small smile then turned my attention back to my drink. I eyed the pale yellow liquid in my glass as I grasped the cup. I took a long sip of the alcoholic beverage then set it back down on the table. By now, the stranger had received his drink as well as his card back.  We remained in silence but his eyes undoubtedly did all the talking. I could feel his gaze on me as he blatantly eyed me up and down. Once I caught his gaze, his face showed no signs of regret nor embarrassment.

"See something you like?" I said to him, much to my surprise.  See something you like?  Where the hell did that come from? It wasn't in my character to display that level of seductiveness, especially to a stranger. I regretted my statement instantly and quickly turned my attention back to my drink. I quickly chugged down the rest of my drink and requested a refill from the bartender.

I could feel the stranger's gaze on me as I began the drink my second glass of margarita.

"Actually I do" he replied, swirling the ice around in his drink before taking a sip.I took a chance and glanced at him. The dimly lit club could only only permit me to see some of his features. My eyes took in his blond highlights straight down to his plain black fitted shirt which revealed his toned, tattoo- covered arms. He noticed my stare which made a smirk appear on his lips.

"See something you like?" he questioned, raising his eyebrows as his lips curved upwards.   A small chuckle escaped my lips as I was greeted with the same question I asked earlier. The stranger chuckled as well as he sipped his drink once more.

"And what if I do?" I questioned back, making myself even more shocked at the level of confidence I was portraying. This type of shameless flirting with a stranger was way out of character. He turned on his chair to face him as if I've peeked his interest even more. He placed his empty glass on the table.

"Then," he began as got up from his stool and reached his hand towards me,"i'd have to ask you to dance". His fingers laced through mine as he gently pulled me off my seat. I couldn't help but to flash him a small smile as we made our way to the dance floor. I casually glanced around to see if Neymar or Shakira were nearby but thankfully they weren't.

Our bodies were at the mercy of the DJ. We swayed to the rhythm of beat to countless songs and for just a moment I forgot everything. I forgot that I undoubtedly still had a some feelings for my ex-boyfriend,albeit really small. I forgot that the guy I currently liked favours his fake relationship more than me. These problems didn't affect me in that moment.

We continued dancing until we were both out of breath. I was surprised at how long I lasted on the dance floor considering my cringe-worthy level of fitness. As we made our way back to the bar, I met the gaze of Shakira who looked relieved when she saw me.

"We're leaving now" she declared before glancing at the male beside me.She turned her attention back to me and wiggled her brows.

"We'll see you later" she said before shooting me a toothy grin. She began to turn around but I grabbed her arm too stop her.

" Are you crazy? You're my ride. I'm coming with you". 

"Oh really?" she questioned while giving me one of her ultra-creepy smiles. She began walking away and on instinct I followed her, forgetting about the stranger behind me.

"Yes really"  I declared as we walked through the sweaty crowd. Seconds later, a warm hand gripped mine and pulled me to a halt. 

"So you're Cinderella now? Leaving me behind and all that without even telling me your name?" he questioned, a smile threatening to form on his lips. Before I could respond he handed me his phone,signalling me to give him my number. I quickly entered my contact information into his phone and gave him back.

"Louisa" he said, looking up from his phone. I nodded my head and looked where I last saw Shakira. Luckily, she was at the club's exit waiting for me along with Gerard.

"And you?" I asked,now turning my attention towards him.


{A/N :Zayn will not be famous in this story =) }

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