Chapter 14

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{Beautiful cover made by @Wandering- ,check her out!!!}

A/N (Author's note): I changed my name guys :D so its now kimbellaaa instead of simplynashty!!!!

"You did what ? I rolled my eyes for the millionth time as Shakira graced me with her specialty:overreacting. 

"Why can't you let me sunbathe in peace?" I questioned the blondie who had been staring at me with a face drenched in disbelief for the past 10 minutes. Her million questions made it hard for me to enjoy the beauty of the beach we were at.  

She stayed silent for a few minutes,increasing my hopes of her actually  putting the issue to rest, but to my dismay she finally let out that oh-so-familiar sigh,signalling that she was by no means finished.

"So," she dragged out the last letter much to my annoyance,"just to be clear" she began, turning towards me once more, "we no longer hate him,right?" she asked,obviously still feeling the shocking effects of my decision.

My initial instinct was to roll my eyes and spit out an attitude laced 'duh' but I decided against that. That was actually a really good question. I forgave him,so that automatically meant I no longer hate him,right?  It was common sense actually,so why was I hesitating to say yes? 

Shakira began to rub my shoulder.My lack of response was more than enough to give her an answer. I was about to respond when Gerard,Maluma and Milan approached  us. 

"Milan!" Shakira and I said in unison as the little boy placed himself in between us. I ruffled his wet hair as Shakira tickled his sides. 

"Well hello to you girls too" Gerard said over the loud giggles of his son. Shakira giggled then pecked her lover on the cheek. Maluma made his way to my other side and sat beside me.

"Missed me?" he asked,throwing an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I forgot you were here to be honest".

Shakira and Gerard erupted in laughter as I  shot Maluma a small smirk. He shook his head lightly, a smile threatening to creep up on his face.

"Lets not forget that Milan isn't the only ticklish person here"  He tightened the grip he had on my waist as his fingers brushed against my skin,threatening to cause some major damage.

"You wouldn't" I said, trying to get out of his grip to increase the distance between us.

"Don't underestimate me" he said as he began the onslaught of tickles on my body. As my fate would have it, I involuntarily erupted in fits of laughter but for once, the tickling didn't last very long.

"You're lucky you have asthma" he said then placed a soft kiss on my forehead. Despite how contradictory his statement was, I actually agreed with him as I had been saved from enduring all that tickle torture. 

After a few minutes of getting my breathing back on track, Maluma and I decided to go on a walk along the shore. We walked in a comfortable silence with our hands laced together for a few minutes as we both admired the calming scenery.

"There's something I should tell you" Maluma declared, rubbing his arm behind his neck.One thought immediately popped into my mind. Was he finally going to ask me to be his girlfriend? Sure we've been going on a few dates but we haven't made anything official.  I glanced at him briefly to see a look of concern written across his face. That wasn't the face of someone who was gonna pop the question was it?  

"What is it " I managed to say as we stopped. He grabbed both my hands and brought them to his lips to peck them.

"You know I like you,right?" He asked,cracking a small smile then bringing his lips back to my hands.

"Well, I suppose" I said,holding a back my 100 watt smile.He chuckled a bit then looked directly into my eyes.

"And" he began, emphasizing the 'd' in the word, "you know how much I want you to be me girlfriend,right?"

There was no holding back my 100 watt smile now. I could feel the sides of my lip creep even higher on my face but I had to contain myself. I bit my bottom lip to tame my smile a bit.

"But" he started again before I could reply. My smile faltered a bit as my mind went jumping to conclusions.'Buts' weren't necessary in these types of situations,were they? 

"But?" I question, raising my eyebrows at him to which he looked down.

"But" he continued,stepping a bit closer to me,"we have a bit of a glitch" He released one of the hands and began to stroke my cheek. I stepped back a bit which made his face drop but he quickly recovered and completely closed the gap between us.

" A glitch?" I questioned, not knowing what to expect. He nodded his head and took in a deep breath.

"I have a girlfriend".

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