Chapter 15

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" I have a girlfriend."

I waited for him to crack his infamous Adonis smile and burst out into fits of laughter but it never happened. Instead I was greeted with a long explanation of how he was a victim of one of his publicist's grand idea to achieve more exposure to his music. What better way was there than to develop a fake relationship with one of the hottest young latina stars of today? Belinda. Not only did she have a large Hispanic fan base, her English one was no joke either.  Apparently they were scheduled for a breakup in about 2 months from now but Maluma couldn't wait that long to tell me about his feelings for me. 

"We should go back to the others" I said, flashing him a fake smile and quickly turning to walk the other way. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back in front of him.

"Or how about we talk this through?" he asked,his voiced laced with sadness. I quickly removed my hand from his.

"There's no need" I tried turning around again but he grabbed both my shoulders gently,holding me in place. 

"I know that you're mad Lou" I rolled my eyes in response which made him sigh loudly.He closed the gap between us and rested his forehead on mine. I attempted to get out of his grip but he had no intention of letting me go.

"I knew this was too good to be true" I muttered after finally giving up on getting out of his grip. He undoubtedly heard me since we were so close.

"Lou don't be like that" he begged, cupping my cheeks into both his hands. I stayed silent as I tried my best to avoid his stare, but it was inevitable. I stared into his eyes for what seemed like an eternity but I snapped back to reality when I realized that he was inching closer and closer to my lips. The logical side of me urged my legs get as far away as possible from the situation but they couldn't move. His lips brushed against mine,seducing every nerve that was against the union of our lips. It wasn't long before our lips were crashing against one another and his hands caressed my hips. Just as a wave of euphoric bliss enveloped my body, he pulled away,resting his forehead on mind. His fingers traveled up and down my spine sending shivers throughout my body. 

Every doubt that I had about this whole situation was suddenly gone. What kind of sorcery was this? He shot me a small smile as he leaned down for another kiss. He slowly pressed his lips against mine. His soft touch sent a feeling of warmth throughout my whole body. I found myself sliding my hands up his bare chest which soon encircled his neck. A small smile etched on my lips as we slowly pulled apart.

"That was amazing" he said, flashing me a huge smile. I couldn't help but agree with him. But to my dismay, memories of our previous dilemma flashed through my mind, taking me off cloud nine.My smile dimmed a bit as I removed my arms from around his neck.

"We should go back now".

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