Even so, I stand to attention and salute. I've watched enough graduation tests to know that the point of this match is not to win, but to prove myself worthy of higher training. It's better to put up a solid fight and lose gracefully than it is to let go of all restraint and smash your way to victory.

Grumach smiles approvingly. She says something to Tanvik and he nods, before going to take his place in the stands, front and centre. He gives me a hard glare, his meaning conveyed as clearly as if he had screamed at me.

Do not embarrass me.

I turn my attention back to Councillor Grumach. She stands ten paces away from me, a dagger at her side. I have the fleeting, panicked thought that maybe the Healers forgot to enchant this one, and it could rip through my flesh like a hot knife through butter (as Bella would put it). I push the thought away—best to stop worrying about it and not let her stab me.

There's a movement at my side, and I turn to see that Tanvik is now standing. "I would like to welcome everyone to the final test of Freya Domneva's power," he announces, his voice booming around the cavern. "She will be duelling Councillor Grumach in an effort to prove herself worthy of a place at the Guild of Assassins and Spies in the glorious city of Wintermouth, where she will enter into the service of His Grace King Ambrose Cyneric of Oskany."

Tanvik's grand speech makes my stomach clench, and I gnaw on my lip, trying not to lose my nerve. I glance up at Bella, and when she meets my gaze she rolls her eyes in Tanvik's general direction.

"The duel will last for two minutes," Tanvik continues. "The winner will be the one who lands the most blows in that time. Hits will be counted by these volunteers."

At his cue, four middle-aged women step forward from the front row and solemnly form a square around us, though most of them look apprehensive about being so close to Shadow sorcerers. They must be from one of the local villages, Lour maybe, since that's the closest. All exams are moderated by local volunteers, who are supposed to be unbiased, unlike someone from the government or one of my teachers would be. I think most of them just do it for a glimpse of the mysterious fortress in the mountain.

"All blows must be landed in the open, but Miss Domneva may use the Shadows at any other time," Tanvik drones on. By now, my hands are shaking with nerves. I clench it into a fist so Grumach won't see. The air is heavy as he pauses.

I close my eyes and force myself to breathe steadily, and as I do, I feel my mind loosen and open up like a flower. When I open my eyes, the air is full of strands of Shadow, flicking and twisting like little black fish. I have to stop myself smiling—I don't normally have to exert myself that much to get a strand, but now, it seems they've all come out to play.

"Take your stances," Tanvik says.

Councillor Grumach stands on the balls of her feet, the hand not holding her dagger extended at her side, her brow furrowed in concentration as she watches me. Maybe her powers have faded in her age, but she could still be able to predict what I'll do, even if it's just a little. I'll have to be careful.


I grab a strand and I'm in the Shadows before the last echoes of Tanvik's words have died away. From beyond the haze of the Shadows, I can see Grumach's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, but she quickly recovers and fluidly shifts into a defensive position.

I dash towards her, then hesitate. She'll be expecting me to come from the front, won't she? I don't want to attack from behind, so I settle on the manoeuvre that beat Hestia a couple of weeks ago—striking from below.

Pointedly ignoring the vultures overhead that beg me to look up with their screeches, I take a run-up and slide towards Grumach on my knees, tearing a massive slice in the Shadows as I do. I tumble out and reach around to hit the back of Grumach's knees, but I realise my mistake as soon as it's too late. Counillor Grumach is not Hestia.

The world explodes with stars as her boot connects with my face, and I'm not sure if the audience gasps or if it's just my blood rushing in my ears.

Even so, I have enough sense to grip Grumach's foot and jump to my feet, sending her crashing to the ground. She twists onto her side just in time to stop her head cracking on the stone floor, and I manage to land three blows to her torso before she knees me in the stomach. I roll to my side, groaning and winded, but I manage to grab a strand and roll over again, cloaking myself before she can take advantage.

There can only be a minute of the match left, if that, but I need space to breathe. I stagger to my feet, panting. My mouth is sticky with drying blood from my nose, which must be broken, but Grumach doesn't look much better off. Her jaw is clenched and although she's also standing, her hand grips her side. I feel a jolt in my stomach—did I just break a government official's rib?

I don't have time to worry about that now. I burst out of the Shadows and land a solid blow to the Councillor's right arm, but she retaliates with two quick strikes to my stomach. I cry out and sink to my knees, but it's more of a mewl. Tanvik calls time.

Grumach laughs breathlessly from above me, then offers her hand to help me up. "Well, Miss Domneva," she says, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, "the Guild would be fools to reject your application after that performance."

I bow my head graciously. "Thank you, Councillor." I definitely lost, but not, apparently, without making an impression.

"Domneva," a voice behind me says, and my heart sinks. I turn around to find Tanvik, in his best black, gold-embroidered robes, regarding me with a thin smile on his face. "You are a credit to this school."

"Thank you, sir." What I really want is to go find Bella and collapse in her arms, but of course I can't do that here. I glance up and find her loitering at the bottom of the emptying stands, impatiently waiting for our conversation to end while glaring daggers at Grumach for beating me up so thoroughly.

"She is innovative, isn't she?" Grumach smiles, and I feel a warm surge of pride. "I've not seen many students attack from below before." Her tone is warm, but she's not even looking at me. I follow her gaze up to the stands, and for one heartstopping moment I think she's noticed something between me and Bella, but then I realise she's actually looking at Professor Martel. He hasn't noticed, but Grumach frowns as if in deep thought.

"Hm. She has made it work against weaker opponents before," Tanvik says. Grumach snaps out of her reverie. "But it does leave one open to attack." He glances deliberately at my chin, and I realise my nose is still dripping blood. It's all down the front of my shirt, mingling with the mud.

"Excuse me Councillor, Professor," I nod politely, before hurrying over to one of the Healers hovering nervously a few metres away.

"She did turn it around well, though," I hear the Councillor say to Tanvik as I retreat. "It could become an effective tactic with some tweaking. Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe I must also make use of your medical staff. I think something may be broken."

The Healer takes me by the arm and ushers me over to the corner of the hall commandeered by Matron Zinnia and her team of medics. I reach up and run my finger over the stinging bump on my now-crooked nose, and I have a suspicion it won't be the first broken nose I'll experience in the years to come.


A/N: Just so you know, I'll now also be updating on Mondays as well as Wednesdays and Saturdays, so I can have the whole thing uploaded before the 31st of August.

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