Big Boss Bakku, Rumble Concludes at Last!

Start from the beginning

Mana struggled to get eye contact with the bandit, she needed that to set off her technique, the man jumped forward thrusting with the knife as if it was a longsword. Honestly, he couldn't be blamed for such a lackluster knife-fighting style, his range was still superior to that of the unarmed girl, he was quite enraged and willing to kill. The man's knife impaled the young magician and the brute kept running with the powerless body of the girl for a while slamming her lifeless body to the wall. He lost control as he started punching her and laughing to himself.

That was the version of events that the man saw, luckily enough the genin managed to get eye contact with him in time and move to the side, had the man retained all of his awareness he may have tried to swipe sideways but now he just kept running forward believing to have impaled his enemy. "Hey, what the hell are you doing, she's right behind you, you idiot!" the still incapacitated mercenary yelled out to his friend, to be honest, the two were quite justified in not seeing genjutsu coming - it was a rare craft for someone to wield and even rarer to be inside a genin's arsenal.

Genjutsu were complicated techniques, they took a lot of chakra and they took the magician her entire, yet at the moment quite short, lifetime to make. Coming up with ideas was difficult enough, researching textbooks about the human brain and their chakra network to acquire the knowledge of which chakra nodes needed to be affected by chakra only added to it. They may have been a surprise weapon, they may have been effective techniques but... A single genjutsu technique drained almost half of the usable chakra that Mana had at that moment, the girl was already breathing heavily and her movements started feeling slower and sloppy, it felt like she just ran several laps in seconds. Single technique giving her just mere moments strained her body so much.

The kunoichi didn't wait too long for the merc to recover from the illusion, he may have seen what he saw and heard what he heard but he must've heard his buddy's reaction, Mana's foot was quick enough to target the back of the man's knee forcing him on the knees and her arms quickly slammed the man's head into the wall he was so kind to get close to. She tried her best but she wasn't sure if she knocked the man out - she may have been trained for almost five years to be effective in combat and stealth but she still was just a teenage girl. Despite the fears of the magician the man looked like he was out cold, Mana looked at the downed mercenary, he struggled to move but it didn't look like he could - maybe she hit a sensitive spot in his back. The genin almost instantly started to feel bad, she didn't want to injure these men so much, what if she incapacitated the man for life?

Loud yells of Hanada from the other room signaled to the girl that this was no time at all to wonder about those things. She had to get in there and save Hanada even if she was quite tempted to hit him with something for what he brought on his family. His child, his wife, the friends of his family could've been killed because he was too greedy to pay some mercenaries that always took things too seriously. The girl's chest inflated as she drew a deep breath - she was still afraid and tired but she had to move, she had to go in there, what if the men inside the room had heard what happened here and became desperate to finish their job quickly? Mana had no luxury of time, ironic when luxury was all that surrounded her at that moment...

Slowly, still with shaking hands the kid opened the door and finally got to see the situation in the room. The good news was that Hanada, while messed up and tied to a chair, was alive and in a pretty good condition, there was also just one man inside the room which meant that Mana had to only get lucky one more time, that wasn't too much to ask for, right? The bad part was that the man who had his foot up on Hanada's chest as he kicked the chair down and held a knife up in the air was one of the biggest and coolest looking guys that Mana had ever seen. He had short and greasy dark hair that was messy enough to make his gas mask covered face look scary. The man wore a similar vest to that of a Konohagakure ninja but if Mana's memory from the Academy days served it was that of a Kumogakure ninja but no band suggested that this man looted it off of one or bought it from the black market.

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