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Michael pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and jumped out of the car. She could be alive, he repeated over and over to himself.
Once he got inside he froze not knowing what to do, who to ask, where to go. He decided to ask someone at the main desk.
"My girlfriend she's been in a car crash... Her names Anna Marie. Is she here?" Michael asked in between breaths.
"Calm down sir. I am checking right now." The guy at the desk explained calmly.
What is it with people asking me to keep calm, he kept thinking.
"She is here but it won't say where. I will look again" He typed away at his computer.
Michael began taping his fingers on the desk. Every possible outcome of the crash flew through his mind.
"...I'm very very sorry to tell you this but, she was in the ER but she's not anymore." He had sympathy in his voice.
"What do you mean? Why would you be sorry about that?!"Michael was close to screaming.
"She was determined....dead when they got here. I am so sorry." Michaels heart sank, he couldn't think. His mind went blank and he zoned out, he couldn't breathe.
"" Michael stuttered his voice extremely shaky.
"Yes. I'm sorry Anna is gone." The man sounded as if he was a thousand miles away. Michael slowly walked out of the hospital and to his car. He couldn't breathe, he shut the door and sat there staring blankly at the wall in front of his car. He tried to hold it in but he only did for a few seconds. He couldn't help it, loud sobs escaped from him. His shoulders shook fiercely as he cried. The words echoed in his mind "Anna is gone". Michael couldn't stop crying.
"Why her...why now....why this....WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN....SHE WAS ALL I REALLY HAD" Michael screamed. Sure he had his band...but he barely knew them compared to Anna. He'd known her for 5 years and they'd been together for 2 of those. He hit his fist against the steering wheel again, the impact knocked something from above him. It was a picture, he turned it over. The picture was of him and Anna it was from last summer. Looking at her smiling next to him in the picture made it worse. He couldn't stop the tears, he'd never cried this hard.

Perfect timing his phone rang again. Through blurry eyes he made out the name Luke. He answered it.

"Did you find her?" Luke asked
Michael tried to speak but he couldn't speak. Luke could hear Michael's quiet sobs. He knew the answer...she was gone Luke realised. She was gone, and so was Michael. Luke knew they'd never get the old Michael back. He hung up and turned around to talk to Ashton and Calum.
"Guys....she's....Anna's gone." He said quietly. They all sat in disbelief, they knew how much she meant to Michael and they couldn't imagine how much pain he was in. They'd never really seen Mikey cry but they knew he was.

I swear I'm not crying.
Why do I write these sad things, don't worry I have some ideas alright. It will be happy. Gosh writing him this sad...not fun. But it's for the good of the story.

Vote/Comment and all that....please!!

:) :(


Somebody's HeroTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon