Alive In One Place. Dead In Another.

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It'd been hours. Hunter had fallen asleep while waiting for an update on the girl... What was her name again? Oh yeah Anna. He thought. Finally someone came out I think it was a nurse. She walked up to him. He held his breath expecting the worst.
"You're here for Anna Marie right?" She asked him.
"Yes" Hunter said getting up.
"Bad news is that she hasn't opened her eyes and she's most likely broken many bones. But the good news is she's still alive and as far as we know there's no brain damage." The lady smiled as she spoke.
"Wow thank god she's okay." Hunter sighed with relief. He thought back to the mangled mess of metal that she'd been pulled from and shuddered. She should have been dead by the look of the wreck, he thought. Hunter thought to call that guy he spoke with on the phone but he decided against it and waiting hoping the guy from the other line would show up soon. He was excited to tell him the good news.
"She's still alive" he repeated her words to himself, smiling.

Wait what? She's alive. But they told Mikey she was dead. What?!

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