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"This small touring thing sucks, I miss you." Michael explained.
"Don't even, you love it. If it wasn't for me you'd be totally into it." I told him.
Yeah if I wasn't holding you down you'd be better off. Everyone would be. Oh no, it's back again. Don't start... Think happy.
Too late... Hello there old friend been awhile.
"Hello? You okay?" He repeated pulling me out of my stupid thoughts.
"Yeah...sorry" I said quickly. No no don't start crying, you've come so far, I tried to tell myself. But it didn't matter the depression was back.

"Do you need me? I can drive back okay." He pleaded for me to tell him. Yes please, come back save me I need you I wanted to say. Instead I told him
"No, no don't. I'm okay just distracted. Don't worry it's not back. Still strong okay." I tried to sound happy, he didn't need to know.
"You forget I know you Anna. I am on my way okay. Fight it alright. I love you please don't leave me before I get back." He sounded worried. Shoot... I can't let him see me like this again. He's had to see me at my worst, I don't wanna put him through it again.
"Please don't. Stay there okay." Even though I knew it wasn't worth it to beg him to stay,I tried.
"I am driving right now okay. Please don't do anything, don't you dare touch that razor either. "Michael spoke quickly, he was worried. This is the last thing I want.

Do it today. Free him. Free everyone.
It's time. He doesn't really care, nobody does. The voices were back and louder than ever.

"I won't. Since there's no way of keeping you away I guess I will see you later. " I lied.
"You might think that everyone's better off but they aren't okay. Please don't let me find you....gone....please." He sounded as if he was going to cry.

See this is why you should do it...he'd have nothing to worry about do it tonight, the voices yelled.

"Well I don't want you to be distracted so I am gonna hang up okay. I love you Mikey.....goodbye..." Quickly I spoke and hung up.
His words echoed in the back of my mind "don't let me find you....gone..."

Do it... Make it final....they hate you....let them free....
The voices tuned out his words.

"FINNNEEEEE" I screamed loudly, pulling at my hair. A note, I at least owe everyone that. When I found paper I began to write, tears already flowing down my cheeks.

"I am so sorry to who ever finds this. " I began. My mind filled with images of Michael finding it. I cried harder imagining him opening the door and running through the house trying to find me but finding this instead. It wouldn't matter anyway. It'd be done by then.

When I finished the note I drew a heart on the back and wrote "I'm sorry" in it. Then I put it where anyone who goes into the house would find it.

Grabbing the keys I took one look at the house, my eyes landed on a picture of my family, Michael an I in the middle of their smiling faces.

Go go go they said

It was only 10pm but it was as dark as midnight. Quickly I shut the door and then ran to the car. The car roared to life and I made the plan on how it was happening. Bored and lonely I stared at the cars around me. Nearby there was a big bus, it looked like a tour bus. I laughed at the thought.

Alright.... This is it. Glancing at the hill and trees next to me I took in a big breathe.

So yeah I felt this was a important part and it was important to post it.

This again was a bit dramatic and sad and stuff. Sorry this girl is suicidal I mean what did you expect. Okay enough of that word.

Feel like writing alot and posting so be ready for updates.



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