Look around

17 0 2

"Just take a look around somebody needs you now. You're somebody's hero somehow." Hunter writes down.

He'd been writing a new song for a couple days, he hadn't come out of the back of the bus. Touring could get lonely, he was for lack of better terms quite depressed but he knew exactly how to deal with it. That's why he'd been writing ALL day.

Distracted he looked out the window at the cars flying past the bus. They all looked so free, happy. He examined the cars, his eyes focused on the car near the side of the road. The car was a weird color, not exactly black but not grey.

He blinked and looked back, trying to refocus on the weird car but he couldn't find it. He scanned the road, no where. He got up and went to the front of the bus hoping for a better view. Then he saw it...

The car was speeding off the road. His eyes widened as it began to flip. Something in him told him he had to do something. He began to dial 911 but stopped realizing he'd never know if they were okay because the bus kept going.

"Hey, do you think we can stop up here?" Hunter tried to ask calmly "Why do you wanna stop we're on a highway?!" The driver explained. Hunter knew if he explained the real reason they'd never stop.
Quickly he thought of something...
"I need some air and I kinda gotta go...you know...." He tried to blush as if he was embarrassed. The driver laughed and pulled to the side of the road. Thank god it worked he thought. When the bus stopped he ran out, phone in hand dialing 911.

So yeah there's Hunter!

Like I said if you have feedback and suggestions and stuff tell me.
Or whatever.

Like I said I might write some more.

But I have band camp for next week so if I don't update then that's why.



Somebody's Heroحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن