"Fuck." Tony winces as he takes the kick. He probably wasn't expecting that much power. 

It almost becomes a sort of a dance. We try to get at each other's openings. However, I end up on the defensive as the two of them attack mercilessly. I barely manage to anticipate their attacks as they hide their moves expertly. Still, I counter and parry a few. 

I gulp at the some of the close encounters.  Dante almost landed a hook when I got distracted with Tony.

Soon we are in an all out brawl. We start tumbling around the garden, throwing punches and kicks. I laugh as it's every man for himself. I wince for Dante as he stumbles into a rose bush. Dante climbs out though now his shirt is shredded. 

"That was my favorite shirt." Dante throws Tony at me. I dodge and laugh once more as Tony falls into a pile of leaves. I hear the sound of glass shattering as something is thrown past me at Dante. 

"Take that, you bastard!" Tony gives a war cry as he throws a vase at Dante. It lands where Dante's head used to be since he drops and flips Tony off. 

"Oh, is that how you want to play this?" Dante grins evilly. "You started this...."

"Ahem." I see Shay clear her throat and glare at them. They don't hear her, but continue bantering.

"Why are you just standing there? Help me, you little fucker." Dante beckons me over enthusiastically. The abrupt shift in this fight is quite surprising.

"DANTE AND  ANTONIOOOOO MOTHATRUCKING RICCA." Shay grabs another nearby vase, aiming it at me. I don't know what i did. 

"HEY!" I frown, ducking from the vase. It bounces on the grass, for some reason not shattering. 

"I think you've went far enough." Shay crosses her arms but she looks slightly upset that I dodged the vase. I like my face right now and would prefer to have no glass shards stuck to it.

"Put that statue down." Shay's eyes flares dangerously towards Dante, who puts it down immediately. 

That's my girl. 

"You're no fun." Dante frowns right back at her. 

"We were just having fun, weren't we, Smith?" Tony puts me on the spot as he whacks me on the back a little harder than expected. 

"Yeah..." I gulp as Shay's fierce eyes now drill holes into me. Yikes, I see why the brothers follow her instructions. 

"While you guys clean up the mess you made, I'll be back inside." Shay rolls her eyes, though we can tell she's not that upset. Her gaze lingers on me for a brief second before she heads back into the house. 

"Earth to Jacob? Do you need me to whack some sense into you?" Tony teases, patting me on the back. 

"Leave the poor guy alone." Dante inputs surprisingly. Then, he compliments, "You're quite the fighter." Dante rests his arm around my shoulders in a friendly manner. "Then again, we've seen you fight plenty of times already. Still, you held quite the fight with us before we goofed around." 

"I think this is going to be quite a shiner." Tony touches his right eye tenderly. Ah, that was the one clean hit he failed to block. Most people would have been knocked out from it, but this monster took it like a man. "That's a good hook you got there, maybe even better than Dante's."

"Bullshit." Dante sticks out his chest and says, "Nobody has a better hook than me."

"..except me and Leo. Now, Jacob too." Tony chuckles and rolls his eyes at Dante. Tony grins friendly toward me, sandwiched between the brothers. 

Nerd in Disguise: Blood BoundWhere stories live. Discover now