Chapter One ~ Six months later ~

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Dia duit arís! Hello again! So this is the sequel to Second Chance at Life. Second Chance at Love.

I would advise you to read it because you will be lost:-\
I had so much fun writing the other book that I can't wait for this one!

*Important authors note at the end please read*

So here we go!

Edited (to the best of my ability)

Alpha Charlie:

* "Baby can you come in here for a minute?" I knew my mate would know something is wrong just by my tone of voice.

The handle of my office door twists and swings open so I can see my worried mate. She rolls her wheelchair around the desk and stops beside me.

"What's wrong?" Her sweet melodic voice is music to my ears and I instantly relax.

Spinning my chair around I gently pick her out of her chair and settle her into my lap. She cuddles into my chest causing a purr to rumble through me.

I sigh thinking about the angry phone call I had just received. I've been stressed lately with the Amore pack constantly checking up on us.

"Alpha Antoine called again."

She rolls her eyes shaking her head.

"I know we said a few months but having him calling every week is pushing it."

I sigh heavily rubbing my hand down my face.

"Well six months has passed and they want her back. Do you think she's ready?"

Katie looks saddened at the news of Jazmine leaving. I know they've gotten quite close over the last few months when Jazmine started opening up to my mate. It was pretty easy for Katie to empathise having been in the same situation. I'm just glad I killed the S.O.B. who caused both of them, my family and my pack so much hurt.

"She's gotten used to being here. She's finally settling in. And you know she will not leave without Kirsten." Katie pouts.

"I've talked to her father about that. They are happy to take Kirsten in too." Her shoulders drop in relief at the news.

We sit quietly in each others arms for a few minutes just cherishing the moment.

"Alright I'll call them..."

My mate smiles and begins bouncing on my lap.

"I'll do it!" I groan gripping her hips. She blushes and stills her movements.

Picking up the phone she dials the number by heart showing how frequent she calls the Amore pack.

Alpha Antoine answers gruffly but once he realises it's my mate on the phone he changes his tone. I chuckle at the memory of her reprimanding the Alpha the first time they talked because of his rude tone. They talk only for a few minutes with the decision that they will come visit our pack for a few days. The excited squeals of Luna Eleanor can be be heard in the background and I could hear her telling her sons that their sister was finally coming home.

A knock on the door sounds just as Katie hangs up the phone with a quick goodbye.

"When can we expect them?"

"Tomorrow." I nod just as the door creaks open and a head pops around the frame.

"What's up pumpkin?" I ask my daughter Dakota as she giggles and bounces into the room.

Make Me Remember.  ~Sequel/spin-off to Second Chance....~~On HIATUS~Where stories live. Discover now