Chapter 22: Being Too Personal And Being Too Happy

Start from the beginning

Snapping out of their trances, they obeyed, but still couldn't keep their eyes of Tomina.

"Do you not feel at little bit...pissed at them staring at you? I would, especially if they were staring at my body," I asked, shuddering of the thought of people staring at my body.

"If they were staring at mine, no, but your's is a completely different story," he grumbled quietly, sitting in his seat. Do I sense some jealousy? Or was that just me?

"Haha, don't worry, nobody notices me anyway, let alone looks at me," I awkwardly commented, sitting down quickly.

Tomina looked up at me. His facial expressions softened. Did he feel sorry for me? I can't make him feel sorry for me, that would make me look weak.

I looked away, and faced the board. Biting my nails, I could feel Tomoe's eyes burning at in to the back of my head.


Let the hell begin.

~ • ~

"Hey, princess," gushed a familiar voice. Tomina and I were looking at our Maths work after class ended. Tomina didn't understand what Algebra was, so I was helping him out.

I couldn't help but smile as it had been a long time since I heard that voice. "Hey, charming."

Me and Tomina quickly put all our stuff in our bags and stood up. "Hey, Nanami. Last time I saw you was when you and the stupid fox were small," joked Kurama, "but now you've turned more...girlish." But the only thing he got out of that comment was a glare from Tomina. I decided to keep quiet as I wanted to watch how this played out.

"Anyway, Brooke, I still want to speak to you about-..."

"Okay, just not now! Name the place and date and I'll be there!" I answered hesitantly. Tomoe can't know. I grabbed Tomina's arm and dashed off, but the last thing I heard was Kurama saying something which made me laugh.

"It's a date!"

Slamming the door, shortly after I let go of Tomina. I started walking off when Tomina grabbed my wrist. "What does he want to speak to you about?"

"It don't matter! Let's go get some food, I'm starving!" I beamed, starting to speed-walk.

Tomina stood still, still holding on to my hand, but more forceful with his grip.

"Remember what I said, you can't keep secrets from me, Brooke, so if you're keeping any, tell me now."

"Look Tomo...Nanami, we'll talk about it when we get back, okay? Now let's go and get some fooooood," I complained, trying to pull Tomina with me.

"I want to talk about it now."

"Look, chill out fox-boy, he just wants to speak to me," I explained, still trying to pull him with me.

"Yeah, and what happened when Mizuki just wanted to talk to you? You were injured, and as you're familiar I must-..."

"Look after me, and you're doing that right now! Kurama's okay, he won't hurt me, I will probably hurt him before he hurts me. I'm a big girl, Nanami."

"But that doesn't mean I don't worry about you, still."

Tomoe's character and personality has changed completely since I stepped in this book. I don't know how to feel about it.

Does this mean I'm not doing my job?

I've really messed up this story up.

But that doesn't mean it hasn't done the same to me.

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