Chapter 10: Glum Contact

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Professor E. Gadd's shack in front of the gloomy mansion was being pounded with rain. He was fixing up a new machine. Since the Dark Moon has been restored, the ghosts have been giving him a helping but invisible hand with his different tasks.

"Egon, hand me the wrench, and Winston, set the jar of screws back on the shelf.", the professor commanded.


"I'll return shortly, for now, make sure the generator computes with the chip.", he said to his ghostly workers. He walked over to the door, and opened it. A tall woman with a dark blue cloak stood there in the rain.

"Hello, professor.", greeted a monotone voice.

"Who are you?", he asked. The mysterious woman let down the hood of her cloak revealing beautiful blue eyes and long light blonde hair which covered her right eye.

"Rosalina? What are you doing here at such a late hour?"

"May I come in?", the queen of the cosmos asked.

"Why, yes, of course.", he gestured.

Rosalina walked into the shack along with E. Gadd following. E. Gadd sat in an old wooden rocking chair and Rosalina sat on a beat up red couch with a depressed frown.

"My dear, what's wrong?", asked E. Gadd.

"I had no one else to go to. Everyone else thinks I'm a monster.", she said with a tear streaming down her cheek.

"Now why on earth would anyone in their right mind think such a notion?", he asked.

"Because I am a monster!", she replied bursting into tears, "I lost control at the Mushroom Kingdom election and destroyed the castle hall, causing everyone to panic and fear me. If it weren't for Daisy to help me realized what I was doing, I would've killed someone!"

E. Gadd was shocked to hear this, knowing how humble and goodhearted she usually was, but he knew that she was a good person inside.

"My dear, you are no monster at all.", he responded, "You're just worked up over the dimensional collision, plus you have dozens of Lumas to parent. I don't blame you at all for being overwhelmed."

"It's not only that.", she explained, "It's because of what happened to my family, just because of my selfish emotions."

"Rosalina, let me just tell you something. You are looked up to by all men and women. You are a wonderful young lady with great wisdom. You were just overwhelmed by all of the trouble that has happened. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, especially me. Who do you think spilled the extraterrestrial plasma while in the works of creating some helpers? The plasma formed into the famous King Boo, I named him that since boo was his first word."

"Oh dear, that's quite a predicament.", she said.

"But thanks to Luigi, he defeated him, twice!", he replied, "Anyway, what I"m trying to say that is everyone becomes very overwhelmed sometimes and make mistakes. I'm sure this doesn't happen to you often because you're the closest thing to perfect! The past is in the past."

Rosalina began to grin, "Thank you professor, for helping me feel better about myself. You're such a great friend."

She walked over to him and hugged him. She had to kneel down because of their large height difference.

"Anytime.", he happily replied.

"Well, I better leave now, my children are waiting for-"


The two looked over to the work desk. The computer monitor was flickering black and white. They walked to the desk. The screen continued to flicker until the pixels morphed into five figures.

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