Chapter 1: The Meeting

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"Is everything ready?", asked a sweet but worried voice.

"Princess, there is nothing to be worried about.", Toadsworth explained, "The invitations were sent out three days ago, and everyone reported they would be arriving at the castle around this time. They should be here any minute now".

"Thank you Toadsworth, where would I be without you. I do hope this meeting goes well, I don't want anyone to be endangered by that beast again.", replied the worried Princess Peach.

Toad walked into the hall, along with Mario and Luigi following.
"Princess, Mario and Luigi have arrived.", said the Toad.

"Thank you.", Peach replied, "Mario! It's so great to see you again. Luigi coughed purposely but pitifully.
"Oh, you too Luigi!"
"Thanks.", Luigi replied glumly.
"So what is today about?", Mario asked.
"You'll find out when we start.", replied the Princess, "For now, please just sit and wait for the meeting to begin.

Toad, Mario, and Luigi headed towards the array of chairs. The Princess turned to the door and saw the majority of her guests walking into the hall, including Princess Daisy, Yoshi, the seven Sprixie Princesses, and E. Gadd.

"Oh good! Everyone's here!", thought Peach who was rushing up the steps to the podium.

Everyone was talking amongst themselves. They were all talking about the same subject: What the heck were they doing here?

"Hello everyone.", said Peach speaking into the microphone, "I'm sure you're all wondering why you're all here today." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Peach continued, "Well, first off, thank you to everyone who came today. so anyway, We all have something in common. Everyone here has been attacked or can be attacked by Bowser and his army. For example, Bowser stole Power Stars from Rosalina's Comet Observatory not too long ago, and the Sprixie Kingdom was invaded only a month ago. Sarasaland, Yoshi's Island, and other locations are also vulnerable to Bowser and his army."

The worried crowd murmured about what the Princess had to say.
Peach continued, becoming more aggressive with each word she spoke, "The reason we're here today is because for once, we need to defend ourselves from being attacked by Bowser. I am fed up with Bowser causing problems for everyone."

"And exactly how would we defend ourselves? And army? A wall?", asked the Green Sprixie.

Peach replied, "That's why I invited all of you here, to think of a way to keep Bowser out of out of our territory. He is very clever in his ways of invasion, so we must think of a master plan"

"We can sneak into his castle and murder him!", shouted Daisy jumping out of her seat.

"I don't believe killing Bowser is the right thing to do.", replied Peach.

"We could always try to make peace with Bowser.", Rosalina suggested.

Peach responded,"I doubt that would work. He's been endangering us for far to long too apologize now."

"Could we raise an army?", asked the Purple Sprixie.

"No army is capable of defeating Bowser's Koopa Troop. He has endless soldiers.", Peach answered.

Everyone was puzzled. Bowser has wreaked havoc on their lives for as long as they can remember. It seemed impossible to keep him out of their lives.

"I've got it!", shouted a strange voice. Everyone looked behind themselves to see E Gadd standing on his seat. E Gadd is very smart, but also cooky. He has made many machines to help people out, from the Poltergust 3000, to F.L.U.D.D. Peach could trust him to think of a plan.

"What's your idea, Professor?", she asked.

"Rosalina, is there any sort of protection spell you can create with your wand?", the professor asked?

"Why, yes, I can create a protection dome around an object, but for a limited time", the space princess replied.

"Do you think if the protection dome was powered by a generator, do you think it could last for long lengths of time?", he asked.

"Well, I suppose, but what could power such a machi- Oh! Of course! a Grand Star should be able to power it. I have some spares that you may have."

"Yes! Then my plan can work! We can power a giant dome around all of our kingdoms, I can build the generator, and only people we approve may enter and exit the dome! That way Bowser could never invade us!", explained the very excited E. Gadd.

Peach replied, "Yes! That should work finely professor! When do you think you can have this generator ready?"

E. Gadd pulled out his Dual Scream and pushed many different buttons, and said "According to my calculations, I should have the Protection Dome 6000, that is now it's name, up and running in eight days."

Peach replied, "Great! Please begin working as soon as possible. In the meantime, everyone should keep a close eye on their territory borders."

The group of leaders talked to each other, and they seemed to be very happy with the solution.

"So are there any questions?", Peach asked the crowd. Everyone quickly raised they're hands.

"Lunch should be ready shortly.", Peach said a little glumly. With that, everyone's hands went down.

"Well thank you everyone for coming to help, and I hope I see y-"


The castle shook, everyone fell to the floor. Peach tripped and fell off of the tiny platform. Mario and Luigi rushed to help her up.

"What the heck was that?!?", screamed Daisy. Everyone looked towards Peach with a worried expression.


The window shattered as a large figure flew into the hall. A beastly shadow stood in the front of the hall, with a smirk. The horned monster muttered, in a demonic voice,

"It's rude to talk about people behind their back."

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