Chapter 7: Election

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Daisy was playing tennis in her palace tennis court, against a red Shy Guy. Daisy was still upset because of what happened to her three friends, but she turned that sadness into anger, and took it out on the tennis ball. She hit the tennis ball so hard that it struck the Shy Guy, causing him to fly back into the wall.
"You win...", the Shy Guy muttered.

"It's all because of that stupid space princess, Rosalina.", Daisy raged, "If she let me out of that protection dome. I could've saved them."

But princess, you would've gone away with them.", said Shy Guy sitting up

"I could've rescued them, I'm very athletic, but because of the perfect galaxy girl, our world is doomed.", she replied. A blue Shy Guy waddled into the tennis court.

"Princess Daisy,", he said, "A telegraph from the Mushroom Kingdom." He handed the letter to her.

"Oh, thank you.", she replied. She saw the original Mushroom wax seal on the front. She opened it:


Dear Princess Daisy,

As you know, our current monarch is in a bit of a dilemma at this time, and unfortunately, she is most likely not going to be able to return. So the Mushroom Kingdom has selected you and another candidate to run for election, to be the new ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom. Please come to the Mushroom Kingdom Castle at four o' clock today. I apologize for such late notice, but it is crucial that you arrive.

Sincerely,                                                                                                                                                      Toadsworth

Daisy looked over to the clock, it was 2:15.

"Oh I better get going, It takes an hour and a half to get there.", she said. She looked over to the blue Shy Guy, "Please prepare a coach for me, I must arrive at the Mushroom Kingdom by four."

"Yes ma'am", he responded as he scampered out the door.

She looked over to the red Shy Guy with a happy smile, "Today could be a big day for Sarasaland!"


"And the cosmos blazed on forever more.", said Rosalina, as she finished the Lumas' story. All the Lumas cheered for the happy ending of the story. Rosalina smiled, as the Lumas were the best children a mother could ask for. She began to laugh, but then remembered the harsh reality that would end their family. That, and something else bothered her. She replayed the memory of being in the protection dome. She mostly remembered Daisy slapping her. She couldn't help but get frustrated, she was only trying to protect everyone. Daisy had no right to harm her.

"Mama! Read another!", stated a blue Luma.

"No, I am far too busy.", she harshly replied. The Luma, surprised by her tone, hovered away.

Rosalina noticed this. She tried to apologize, but he didn't stop hovering away.

"Great,", she thought to herself, "That selfish girl is causing me to take my anger out on my own children."

A yellow Luma floated in the library, with an envelope in his hand.

"Mama, this was in the mailbox.", he informed.

"Thank you", she replied. She saw a mushroom wax seal on the front. She opened the letter:


Dear Queen Rosalina,

As you know, our current monarch is in a bit of a dilemma at this time, and unfortunately, she is most likely not going to be able to return. So the Mushroom Kingdom has selected you and another candidate to run for election, to be the new ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom. Please come to the Mushroom Kingdom Castle at four o' clock today. I apologize for such late notice, but it is crucial that you arrive.

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