Chapter 2: Vortexnes

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The arch-nemesis of Mario and Luigi was standing right before them.

"Bowser.", Yoshi gasped.

Everyone had a shocked and fearful look on their faces, staring right at the mean-spirited Koopa that has wreaked havoc on so many innocent people.

"Sorry I'm late.", he said with a smirk. Bowser Jr. flew in the hall in his Clown Car, holding a strange scepter.

"So help me, if you even try to touch me, I will knock you out with my parasol. ", Peach exclaimed. She wasn't scared this time, she was furious.

"Oh no, I'm gonna be attacked by the pretty princess! I better grab my pink Sprixie band-aids.", Bowser said sarcastically.

"Hey! Those aren't even a thing!", yelled the Blue Sprixie. With that, Bowser Jr. rammed into, forcing back into the wall, and plopped onto the ground. Bowser Jr. laughed at his evil deed.

"BLUE!!", the Sprixies screamed as they ran over to her. She gave a groan, saying, "Okay, Sprixie band-aids need to be a thing.", Blue muttered, and plopped her face on the ground.

"Anyone else want to question my amazing sense of humor?", Bowser asked the audience. Everyone stared into his dark red eyes, "Good. Now to get to my point, I'm not here to kidnap Princess Peach, well technically. I'm here to put an end to her and the Mario Bros.", Bowser exclaimed. Mario and Luigi looked at each other, both with fear.

"And how do you expect to do that?", asked Mario angrily.

Bowser replied, "I'm glad you asked, plumber boy." Bowser Jr. handed Bowser the scepter. It had black and white lines spiraling up to either side of it.

Rosalina gasped, "It can't be..."

"This baby is called the Vortexnes. It can create an alternate dimension of the world its currently in. So if I use this, a portal will be created to a dimension of The Mushroom Kingdom, except that everything would be completely opposite.", Bowser explained

Rosalina angrily exclaimed, "Bowser, how did you get that? The Vortexnes was designed for universal destruction. If any someone were to go into their opposite dimension, both dimensions would-"

Bowser cut her off, "Tell me Rosie, do I look like I care? No sweetie, I don't. Yeah, sure they'll be some minor consequences, but-"

"MINOR?!?", Rosalina yelled, "You have no idea what your dealing wi-"

Before she could finish her sentence Bowser struck Rosalina with the Vortexnes. Before she hit the floor she flew towards Bowser. She reached out for the Vortexnes, but Bowser used his black magic to push her back to the ground.

"Papa, can you do it now? I'm getting bored", Bowser Jr. pouted.

Bowser recited the words to activate the Vortexnes, "Noisnemid Etisoppo Na Nommus I ,Senxetrov!!" The Vortexnes began to glow, shining brighter than the sun. A black hole-like portal began to emit from the Vortexnes.

"BOWSER, NO!!!!!! EVERYONE, HUDDLE AROUND ME!!", screamed Rosalina. Everyone screamed as they ran to towards Rosalina, including the scared Bowser Jr. She pulled out her wand and quickly formed a protection dome, covering almost everyone. Mario wasn't in the dome. He was sprinting towards Bowser, who also wasn't in the dome.

"GIVE ME THE WAND!!!", Mario yelled. He was trying to save the day, as he usually would. He jumped, but didn't fall back to the ground. He and Bowser began to levitate into the air.

"NEVER YOU FOOL!!", yelled Bowser.

"MARIO!!", Luigi yelled he jumped out of the dome and began to levitate. Mario ignored his brother and swam through the air towards Bowser.

"MARIO, LUIGI, WAIT!!", Peach screamed as she began to run out of the dome, but a tiny hand grabbed her wrist.

"Princess, I won't let you leave, your father gave me his trust to protect you, I won't let anything happen to you!!!", Toadsworth yelled.

"But Mario and Luigi are in trouble, they've saved me when I was endangered, and when have I ever returned the favor?!?", the determined Princess replied. She pulled her hand out of Toadsworth's grip, and ran out of the dome, and flew into the air, swimming her way to the Mario Bros. Mario and Luigi were climbing all over the floating Bowser, trying to grab the Vortexnes. without knowing it, they were slowly being pulled into the gravitational pull of the portal. Everything outside of the dome was now oddly discolored. Peach, who was now hovering near Bowser, grabbed Mario's leg and pushed herself upward, and grabbed the Vortexnes.

"I'VE GOT IT!!", she loudly exclaimed, but it was too late. The four realized that they were only feet away from the portal.

"HELP!!!", they screamed. Those inside the dome watched in complete terror, especially Rosalina, who knew what the fate of their universe would be. Bowser Jr. tried to escape the dome, but the dome was now too powerful for anyone to exit.

"PAPA!!!", yelled Bowser Jr. with tears in his eyes.


"NO, I CANNOT PUT THE REST OF US IN DANGER!!!!", Rosalina replied. Daisy jumped to Rosalina and reached for her wand, but Rosalina defended herself by pushing her to the ground. Daisy quickly got up and angrily slapped Rosalina across the face.

"NO!", everyone screamed.

The fighting princesses turned their heads towards the portal, to see Mario, Luigi, Peach and Bowser disappear into the darkness. Once they were gone, the portal disappeared, and everything went back to normal, except that the main characters have disappeared.

Super Mario: VortexnesWhere stories live. Discover now