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The car tires beneath me kicked up dirt and gravel as we drove over the unpaved road.  The truck’s stereo played slow blues songs that reflected my mood better than any mirror could.  How did I get here?  I guess if I were going to explain it, I would have to go back about a month ago, the beginning of March.  The day I was forced into being a captain in the darkest kind of war.

The battle of the sexes.

Every year Ridgeway High School has our spring fundraiser.  Most of the money goes towards the end of year formal, but the underclassmen get their own rewards, too.  However, the first year I was actually eligible to go to the formal, I wasn’t even planning on participating.

The whole idea is immature, stupid, and completely distracting from our education.  Last year I’d just been a decoy girl, and my grades still slipped to mostly B’s.  It was like a boy; distracting, immature, pointless, and not worth much.  It definitely wasn’t worth the fifteen dollars I’d paid the year before to run around taking paint bullets for the other girls.  I was like a human shield.

It wasn’t near what I needed.  What I needed was to keep my grades at straight A’s so I could get into Yale or Princeton at the end of senior year.

Every year this battle goes just a little too far for someone.  Enemy lines are drawn, and for a month, any girl who so much as speaks to a boy is shunned.  Friendships are tested, relationships ended, and trust broken.

I broke one of the biggest rules.  I, Rose Jackson, actually broke a rule.  But more on that later.

I lost everyone’s trust.  Well, everyone that matters to me, anyway.  My friendships were all tested, and ruined.

And it was all because on February twenty second, a week before the games began, the captain of the girls’ team voted on by the other girls was announced, and shocked nearly everyone.

But no one was more surprised than me.

So, going back to the beginning of the games, I guess this is my story.  Rosie Jackson: Team Captain.

[A/N: So this is Mia and Linn, and we are MilkAndOreos!  The cover we’re using for now was made by Linn.  This is pretty much just a short teaser before the chapters start.  We will upload a new chapter every Sunday.  We are so excited about this book, so please fan us and vote and comment to tell us what you think!]

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