A Date... Kinda

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“Hey!” The hot guy shouted.


I rode up closer to his dock.


“Hi, what’s up?” I responded


“Are you the new girl that just moved in over there?” He question while pointing across the lake.


“Great, already being labeled the new girl,” I sighed under my breath.


“What?” He asked confused.


“Never mind, but, yeah, we moved in at the beginning of August I’m just starting to get to know my way around.”


“No kidding, I’ll gladly show you around town,” He winked.


I prayed I wasn’t blushing at this point.


“Sure, sounds good,” I said figuring I’d never see him again.


“Great! How about I show you around this lake tomorrow?”


“Okay, I’ll be here at about eleven in the morning”


“Alright, see you then,” He said as I rode off to finish my route along the edge of the lake trying my hardest to show off a little.



Once I got back home, I rushed up to my room to text my friends and tell them what happened.



They all replied with responses like ‘OMG!’or ‘LUCKYYY’. They were all so happy for me because my last boyfriend was douche bag and cheated on me.


Even though our ‘date’ is tomorrow, I still went up stairs and picked out my swim suit I was going to wear. That just shows how excited I really am. I picked out I black bikini with tiny jewels that embellished it.


“Time to eat!” My mom screamed up the stairs.


I ran down stairs with a big smile plastered on my face.


“Are you stress free now?” she questioned with a smile.

“Yeah, one of our neighbors offered to show me around town and we are going jetskiing tomorrow!” I said full of excitement.


“Really, that’s great! Who is it?”


“I… uhh.. umm.. idk, it was quick he just saw me and seemed to know that I was new around here so, he offered to show me around.”


My mom frowned. “Please be careful, I don’t want a repeat of last year.”


“Mom, I just met him, we are hardly friends.”


I ate the Breakfast Pizza we had and then I went upstairs to my room. I was laying on my bed texting some friends and thinking and before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep.

The Freshman ConflictOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora