Chapter 1: A Fresh Start

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A Fresh Start...

Well, that is my new perspective on this whole living in Minnesota situation. My parents told me about moving here at the end of my eigth grade year. I was extremely mad and I stayed in my room for an entire week bawling my eyes out. I couldn't stand the thought of leaving all of my friends that I have known since my first day of kindergarten. I had lived here in Colorado for the full fourteen years of my life.

When I finally got over the fact that we were moving, I became curious about the house we were moving into. Then, I decided to ask my mom and she told me in full detail all about it. The only thing I heard her say though, was that we were going to be living on a lake.


The first thing I did when I got to my new house was throw on my swim suit and walk out back to our lake front. It was absolutly beautiful. I decided to take a picture and text it to all of my friends from Colorado because I made them a promise that I wouldn't forget about them and I would keep them updated on my new life.

"I've got a suprise for you!" my dad said walking up behind me.

"Really, what is it?" I wondered.

"We have leftover money from when we sold our house in Colorado, so, your mother and I chose to buy a boat and a jetski!" my dad exclaimed.

"NO FREAKING WAY!" I yelled.

My dad walked away smiling at himself and I realized that this just might be better than Colorado.


We moved to Minnesota at the begining of August which gave me about a month to make friends and get used to our town but, before I knew it I only had a week  left before school actually started and I didn't really know anyone or anything about this place. I was growing more nervous each day. I had spent the month of August unpacking my things and sitting on the sand in my backyard tanning.

I was stressing out about this problem and complaining all day. My mom finally got sick of it and told me to go jetskiing to help me release my stress .

I went to change into my swim suit and headed out to the water. I jumped on the jetski and started my regular route (which was what I did so I didnt get lost) that led me around the lake. When I got about straight across the lake from my house I noticed this really hot guy sitting on the end of his dock staring at me.


Hey everyone!

I'll try to have the next chapter up by this friday but, no guaruntees! Keep a lookout for it.

Thanks for reading!

Comment and Vote, please! :)

--nicolestories <3

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